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AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Academic Personal Homepage


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A Modern and Responsive Academic Personal Homepage

Some examples:

修改selected publications的流程

  1. 打开_includes/selectedPub.html文件,仿照其它的publication,添加相应信息,大部分信息从论文的BibTeX里可以找到。参考示例(请替换 []及其内的内容):

    <div class="col-sm-2 abbr"><abbr class="badge">[期刊或者会议的缩写]</abbr></div>
                       <div id="[BibTeX的id,比如wang2023aocc]" class="col-sm-8">
                           <div class="title">[标题]</div>
                           <div class="author"> [三名作者] and <span
                                   class="more-authors" title="click to view [2 more authors]"
                                   onclick=" var element=$(this); element.attr('title', ''); var more_authors_text=element.text() == '[2 more authors]' ? '[另外两名作者]' : '[2 more authors]'; var cursorPosition=0; var textAdder=setInterval(function(){ element.text(more_authors_text.substring(0, cursorPosition + 1)); if (++cursorPosition == more_authors_text.length){ clearInterval(textAdder); } }, '10'); ">[2 more authors]</span> </div>
                           <div class="periodical"> <em>[期刊杂志名称]</em>, [年份] </div>
                           <div class="periodical"> </div>
                           <div class="links"> <a class="abstract btn btn-sm z-depth-0" role="button">ABS</a>
                               <a href="[论文的HTML]"
                                   class="btn btn-sm z-depth-0" role="button" rel="external nofollow noopener"
                                   target="_blank">HTML</a> </div>
                           <div class="abstract hidden">
    • 注意:如果没有超过3名作者或者不需点击展开全部作者的功能,则应该删去 <span> </span>代码块。
  2. 如果出版机构的缩写比如ICML没有过,则应该修改assets/js/common.js文件内的keywordColorMap,为不同的出版机构添加不同的颜色。可以选择以下颜色:

    • 以下是ChatGPT为您生成的一些新的颜色代码:
     "#669933" - 深绿色
     "#996633" - 棕色
     "#339966" - 海绿色
     "#66CC99" - 薄荷绿
     "#FFCC66" - 金色
     "#FF6633" - 橙色
     "#3399FF" - 天蓝色

Key Features

  • Automatically update google scholar citations: using the google scholar crawler and github action, this REPO can update the author citations and publication citations automatically.
  • Support Google analytics: you can trace the traffics of your homepage by easy configuration.
  • Responsive: this homepage automatically adjust for different screen sizes and viewports.
  • Beautiful and Simple Design: this homepage is beautiful and simple, which is very suitable for academic personal homepage.
  • SEO: search Engine Optimization (SEO) helps search engines find the information you publish on your homepage easily, then rank it against similar websites.

Quick Start

  1. Fork this REPO and rename to, where USERNAME is your github USERNAME.
  2. Configure the google scholar citation crawler:
    1. Find your google scholar ID in the url of your google scholar page (e.g.,, where SCHOLAR_ID is your google scholar ID.
    2. Set GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_ID variable to your google scholar ID in Settings -> Secrets -> Actions -> New repository secret of the REPO website with name=GOOGLE_SCHOLAR_ID and value=SCHOLAR_ID.
    3. Click the Action of the REPO website and enable the workflows by clicking "I understand my workflows, go ahead and enable them". This github action will generate google scholar citation stats data gs_data.json in google-scholar-stats branch of your REPO. When you update your main branch, this action will be triggered. This action will also be trigger 08:00 UTC everyday.
  3. Generate favicon using favicon-generator and download all generated files to REPO/images.
  4. Modify the configuration of your homepage _config.yml:
    1. title: the title of your homepage
    2. description: the description of your homepage
    3. repository: USER_NAME/REPO_NAME
    4. google_analytics_id (optional): google analytics ID
    5. SEO Related keys (optional): get these keys from search engine consoles (e.g. Google, Bing and Baidu) and paste here.
    6. author: the author information of this homepage, including some other websites, emails, city and univeristy.
    7. More configuration details are described in the comments.
  5. Add your homepage content in _pages/
    1. You can use html+markdown syntax just same as jekyll.

    2. You can use a <span> tag with class show_paper_citations and attribute data to display the citations of your paper. Set the data to the google scholar paper ID. For

      <span class='show_paper_citations' data='DhtAFkwAAAAJ:ALROH1vI_8AC'></span>

      Q: How to get the google scholar paper ID? A: Enter your google scholar homepage and click the paper name. Then you can see the paper ID from citation_for_view=XXXX, where XXXX is the required paper ID.

  6. Your page will be published at

Debug Locally

  1. Clone your REPO to local using git clone.
  2. Install Jekyll building environment, including Ruby, RubyGems, GCC and Make following the installation guide.
  3. Run bash to start Jekyll livereload server.
  4. Open in your browser.
  5. If you change the source code of the website, the livereload server will automatically refresh.
  6. When you finish the modification of your homepage, commit your changings and push to your remote REPO using git command.


  • AcadHomepage incorporates Font Awesome, which is distributed under the terms of the SIL OFL 1.1 and MIT License.
  • AcadHomepage is influenced by the github repo mmistakes/minimal-mistakes, which is distributed under the MIT License.
  • AcadHomepage is influenced by the github repo academicpages/, which is distributed under the MIT License.


AcadHomepage: A Modern and Responsive Academic Personal Homepage







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  • HTML 40.7%
  • SCSS 21.8%
  • JavaScript 16.4%
  • TeX 13.1%
  • Python 5.7%
  • CSS 2.1%
  • Other 0.2%