This repositories contain the labs, homework and projects in CS61A spring2021. Some of them are hard to deal with. So I refer some solutions from others. Appreciated to their help!
Lab 00: Getting Started
Lab 01: Variables & Functions, Control
Lab 02: Higher-Order Functions, Lambda Expressions
Lab 03: Recursion, Tree Recursion
Lab 04: Midterm Review(No file)
Lab 05: Python Lists, Data Abstraction, Trees
Lab 06: Nonlocal, Mutability, Iterators and Generators
Lab 07: Object-Oriented Programming, Linked Lists, Mutable Trees
Lab 08: Midterm Review
Lab 09: (No file)
Lab 10: Scheme
Lab 11: Interpreters
Lab 12: Tail Recursion, Scheme
Lab 13: Regular Expressions, BNF
Lab 14: Final Review
HW 01: Variables & Functions, Control
HW 02: Higher-Order Functions
HW 03: Recursion
HW 04: Trees, Data Abstraction
HW 05: Object-Oriented Programming, Linked Lists,Iterators and Generators
HW 06: Scheme
HW 07: Scheme, Scheme Lists
HW 08: Tail Recursion, Interpreters, Scheme
HW 09: Regular Expressions, BNF, Macros
HW 10: Finale(No file)
Project 1: The Game of Hog
Project 2: CS 61A Autocorrected Typing Software
Project 3: Ants Vs. SomeBees
Project 4: Scheme Interpreter(Blocked in Optional Q18 Q19) TAT