- Debian 6.0 Squeeze, 64-bit
- node 0.8.22 (0.10.0 prepared via nvm)
- PostgreSQL 9.1
- Ruby 2.0.0 (via rvm)
- Sun Java 6
- ZSH (with oh-my-zsh)
Following ports on your local machine will be forwarded to this applications inside the vagrant box:
- 2222 -> 22 (SSH)
- 9000 -> 80 (HTTP)
- 9001 -> 3000 (node.js Express.js instance, the actual Roomies application)
- 9002 -> 5432 (PostgreSQL)
Modify your Vagrantfile if you need any specific port forwardings.
- The system user
as password - The default database user
has no password yet - The database server is accessible from any remote host via IPv4. Consider changing this via
- When in the vagrant box' shell, use
psql -h localhost -U postgres
to connect with the default database user - When outside (i.e. using PGAdmin), connect to the mapped port 9002 using the
default database user
ZSH is the default login shell for the vagrant user
This box enables symlinks inside shared folders by default. Thanks http://blog.liip.ch/archive/2012/07/25/vagrant-and-node-js-quick-tip.html.