1283 commits
to development
since this release
🚀 Features
- Feature: webapp: Move inverter settings into different tabs
- Feature: Added config option to change MQTT CleanSession Flag
- Feature: Allow setting of the Reachable Threshold per inverter
- Feature: Added option to set runtime values to zero when inverter becames unreachable
- Feature: Add configured max irradiation to live data api
- Feature: Added option to set daily yield to zero at midnight
- Feature: First very basic support to read the grid profile
🐛 Fixes
- Fix: Workaround: Don't allow memory intensive web functions in parallel
- Fix: Check if valid data was received from websocket before assigning it
- Fix: Better reconnect handling in Live View if invalid data where received
- Fix: Do not resend fetch limit request if the last one failed
- Fix: Ignore incomplete SystemConfigPara packages
- Fix: HASS exp_aft should be based on reachable threshold and poll interval
🛠 Under the hood
- Upgrade espMqttClient from 1.4.4 to 1.4.5
- Update espressif32 from 6.3.2 to 6.4.0
- webapp: Update dependencies
- Simplify debug output
- Convert from FreeRTOS Semaphore to std::mutex
- Replace platform dependent variable types by platform independent
- Publish mqtt string stats values periodically if they are set to zero if unreachable
- webapp: Use max field to determine whether to show a string or not
- webapp: Update dependencies
- Hoymiles Lib: Move semaphore handing into parser base class
- Completly ignore a disabled (polling + command) inverter.
- webapp: Update dependencies
- webapp: add app.js.gz
- Vedirect Cleanups (#417)
- Reworked wifiClient handling in Power Meter httpRequest and smaller update to Power Meter updateValue method (#430)
- Merge remote-tracking branch 'tbnobody/OpenDTU/master' into development
- add missing Arduino.h
- Revert "Merge remote-tracking branch 'tbnobody/OpenDTU/master' into development"
- VE.Direct: do not use debug buffer at all if verbose logging disabled (#437)
- JK BMS: Support for MQTT (#432)
- Merge branch 'development'