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=== Import any XML or CSV File to WordPress ===
Contributors: soflyy
Tags: wordpress, xml, csv, datafeed, import
Requires at least: 3.6.1
Tested up to: 3.9
Stable tag: 3.1.3

WP All Import is an extremely powerful plugin that makes it easy to import any XML or CSV file to WordPress.

== Description ==

*“It's a wonderful plugin that does so much, so well that it's hard to list all of the features. But I'll tell you this, I was able to import the content of a pair of websites running the ModX CMS into a WordPress install in less than 30 minutes. No joke!”*  
**Alex Vasquez** - DigiSavvy Co-Founder & WordCamp Los Angeles Organizer

WP All Import has a four step import process and an intuitive drag & drop interface that makes complicated import tasks simple and fast.

There are no special requirements that the elements in your file must be laid out in a certain way. WP All Import really can import any XML or CSV file.

WP All Import can be used for everything from migrating content from a legacy CMS to WordPress to building a store with an affiliate datafeed to displaying live stock quotes or sports scores to building a real estate portal.

Our YouTube channel has many [videos showing WP All Import in action.]( You may also enjoy our [documentation of advanced features.]( For technical support from the developers, please consider purchasing WP All Import Pro.

= WP All Import Professional Edition =
[youtube /]

*WP All Import Pro* is a paid upgrade that includes premium support and adds the following features:

* Import to Custom Post Types - commonly used to import to Automotiv, OpenHouse, Listings, as well as any other theme or plugin that makes use of Custom Post Types.

* Cron Job/Recurring Imports - WP All Import pro can check periodically check a file for updates, and add, edit, and delete to the imported posts accordingly.

* Import data to Custom Fields - used by many themes, especially those using Custom Post Types - to store data associated with the posts.

* Import images to the post media gallery - WP All Import can download images from URLs in an XML or CSV file and put them in the media gallery.

* Import files from a URL - Download and import files from external websites, even if they are password protected with HTTP authentication. URL imports are integrated with the recurring/cron imports feature, so WP All Import can periodically re-download the files and add, edit, and delete posts accordingly.

* Execution of Custom PHP Functions on data, i.e. use something like [my_function({xpath/to/a/field[1]})] in your template, to pass the value of {xpath/to/a/field[1]} to my_function and display whatever it returns.

* Pro version customers also get access to our customer portal with documentation and tutorials, and e-mail technical support.

[Upgrade to the professional edition of WP All Import.](

Need to [import XML and CSV to WooCommerce?]( Check out our WooCommerce add-on.

== Premium Support ==
Upgrade to the professional edition of WP All Import for premium support.

E-mail: [email protected]

== Import To WooCommerce ==

Need to [import XML and CSV to WooCommerce?]( Check out our WooCommerce add-on.

[WooCommerce XML & CSV Import Pro Version](

== Installation ==

Either: -

* Upload the plugin from the Plugins page in WordPress
* Unzip and upload the contents to /wp-content/plugins/, and then activate the plugin from the Plugins page in WordPress

Still need help? Read this excellent article:

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

**What Size Files Can WP All Import Handle?**
It depends on your hosting provider’s settings. We’ve imported files of 200Mb and up, even on shared hosts. WP All Import splits your file into manageable chunks. 

Various settings are available to make it possible to import larger files or speed up your import:

*The answer to all of the following questions is yes:*

Does this really work with ANY XML or CSV file?
Can WP All Import get ALL of the data out of the file? Even attributes?
Does it work with special character encoding like Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, etc?

== Screenshots ==

1. Choose file.
2. Template designer.
3. Post options.
4. Manage imports.

== Changelog ==

= 3.1.3 =
* fixed import pages

= 3.1.2 =
* added compatibility with WP 3.9
* added autodetect session mode
* updated convertation CSV to XML with XMLWriter
* fixed import *.zip files
* fixed xpath helper on step 2
* fixed showing zeros in XML tree
* fixed deleting history files
* fixed autodetect image extensions
* fixed increasing SQL query length
* allow post content to be empty on step 3
* delete deprecated settings "my csv contain html code" and "case sensitivity"

= 3.1.1 =
* Fixed compatibility with addons
* Fixed "download image" option for import products
* Fixed CSS for WP 3.8
* Fixed dismiss links

= 3.1.0 =
* Compatibility with WP 3.8
* Compatibility with WPAI WooCommerce add-on (paid) 1.2.4
* Performance Improvements
* Improved UI
* Lots of bug fixes
* New Record Matching section
* Added option to set Post Status with XPath (the value of presented XPath should be one of the following: publish, draft, trash)
* Preview navigation

= 3.0.4 = 
* Fixed import categories;
* Updated UI/UX;
* Added import/export templates feature;
* Added enhanced session functionality;
* Added option to set post status with XPath;
* Added feeds encoding feature;

= 3.0.2 = 
* Added support for the WooCommerce add-on

= 3.0 = 
* Free edition of 3.0 pro release

= 2.14 =
* Category list delimiter bug fix

= 2.13 =
* Tons of bug fixes, updates, and additional features. 

= 2.12 =
* Initial release on


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