Default Hoodie app
Tracker is a simple Hoodie app, meant to be a starting point to play and build with Hoodie.
Find the repository on GitHub.
In most situations this app will run when your device is offline. The app does this by using the Service Worker standard. All mainstream web browsers support Service Worker. Where Service Worker is not supported, the app won't work offline. Please see the start-service-worker.js and sw.js for details of how this is configured.
The app behaves like a native app on some devices by using the manifest.json file. This functionality is currently fully supported by the Chrome and Opera browsers with some features supported by other browsers. The manifest provides information for the web app to behave like a native app. For instance, on mobile devices by allowing users to install an icon on the homepage and provides a splash/loading page when opening.
Tracker needs node >=4
. To see which version you have installed, run
node -v
git clone
cd hoodie-app-tracker
npm install --production
Start server with
npm start
If you want to use the password reset feature, you must configure an email account to send out notification, like a Google Mail account. Edit the .hoodierc
file, the options are passed to nodemailer.createTransport()
cp .hoodierc-example .hoodierc
You can find a detailed instruction here.
is work in progress. The goal is to have a simple application with very clear and easy to understand HTML / CSS / JS code which ideally uses no 3rd party code at all, besides the Hoodie client.
If you want to contribute to the frontend assets, you can simply open the project folder and edit the files in the public/ folder.
Install devDependencies by running npm install
without --production
npm install
Then run tests with
npm test
The tests are written using the Cypress library. Cypress allows interactively viewing the tests within a browser. This is really useful as it allows you to see the tests running. The tests can be stopped, rewound and easily debugged. To run the tests interactively
npm run cypress:open
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