This is an open source Mixmax Link Resolver. It makes an HTTP request to the URL provided and returns a JSON response. The JSON response includes HTML under the "body" key with the product title and the product image.
I decided against signing up to become an "Associate" to use Amazon's API, so this link resolver does some scraping. Scraping is a hacky solution, but I have made somewhat reliable. I have noticed a lot of differences in page markup and JavaScript libraries throughout their site. I decided against showing pricing because of the vast variety of ways in they exist, from differences in markup and different options for purchase/rental.
I tested links from several different departments. I found that many departments have a completely different DOM structure.
Some of the links tested:
- Install using
npm install
- Run using
npm start
To simulate locally how Mixmax calls the resolver URL (to return HTML that goes into the email), run:
$ curl http://localhost:9146/resolver?
{"body":"<div>Amazon Fire TV</div><img style=\"max-width:100%;\" src=\"\" width=\"400\"/>"}