This is a chrome plugin that makes it easier to create a listing ad.
Click the "Clone or Download" in the top right of the page. CLick download. Unzip the file.
Then, see this page for instructions on how to install it in Chrome.
This works on and sites hosted by real geeks, but you'll need to customize to add your URL. This will create a "download images" button and a "create copy" button. The download images will download all the images, in order, to a folder with the address name. The create copy will create a sample ad for you.
Most of this stuff is hard coded, so you'll have to edit code make changes. You can always create an issue here, and someone might make the edits for you. If there's a lot of interested in this plugin, maybe, I'll add the ability to customize things.
If you would like to request a feature and are willing to pay for it, create an issue, then visit this site. Place a bounty on that feature. Someone may chose to write it for you, then you can release the funds to them when they complete it.