nginx-genconf is a small tool to generate (multiple) nginx conf files from single rule file written in Tcl. Tcl has simple, flexible syntax. It's curly block can fit almost every C-like block structured text. Also, Tcl has many builtins for templating such as subst, string map and others. That's why I wrote this tool.
(Actually, this tool is not restricted to nginx.)
First create rules.tcl, like following:
define ROOT [default ::env(APPS_ROOT) /var/www/webapps]
# Pure name of this app
define MYAPP myapp
# location without last '/'
define LOC /[MYAPP]
# Absolute path of this application
define ABS $ROOT[LOC]
# Root of publically visible (mapped) subtree.
define HTML [ABS]/html
target [MYAPP].conf {
cmdsubst {
location [LOC]/ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^([LOC])(.*);
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:[ABS]/var/tmp/fcgi.sock;
Then run nginx-genconf.tcl
% nginx-genconf.tcl -h
Usage: nginx-genconf.tcl [-n] [-f rules.tcl] [-o destdir]
In general:
nginx-genconf.tcl [--opt=value].. TARGET.. [ENV=VAL]..
or nginx-genconf.tcl [--opt=value].. :METHOD ARGS... [ENV=VAL]..
:generate TARGET... generates TARGET
:target list list targets (defined in rules.tcl)
:target eval TARGET generate TARGET to stdout
--dry-run Just report what this will generate, like make -n
--file Rule definition file(default: rules.tcl)
--generator Name of generator. Can be embedded via [cget -generator].
--outdir output directory(shortly: -o, default: _gen)
--stdout generate to stdout instead of outdir
--unsafe avoid use of tcl sandbox ([interp -safe])
% nginx-genconf.tcl :target list
% nginx-genconf.tcl :target eval myapp.conf
location /myapp/ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/myapp)(.*);
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/www/webapps/myapp/var/tmp/fcgi.sock;
% nginx-genconf.tcl :target eval myapp.conf APPS_ROOT=/opt/webapps
location /myapp/ {
fastcgi_split_path_info ^(/myapp)(.*);
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_pass unix:/opt/webapps/myapp/var/tmp/fcgi.sock;
% nginx-genconf.tcl -n
# will write _gen/myapp.conf
% ./nginx-genconf.tcl
# writing _gen/myapp.conf
is basically normal Tcl script
so you can use all commands in Tcl (but IO is restricted, by default).
It must contain at least one target
There are some predefined helper commands, listed below.
Declares target file NAME
and its generator COMMAND
Defines Tcl proc NAME
and also variable $::NAME
Substitute all [tcl command]
in STR
You can use $
and \
as ordinally text.
Loops command-only subst for each VARNAME
Substitute all $tcl_variables
in STR.
You can use []
and \
without escaping.
returns [CHARS]
. Useful to construct character class for regexp.
Shorthand of cc ^./
, which means regexp [^./]
To embed comment as [comment My comment!]
tries to fetch VAR. If it is empty, returns VALUE
returns config param of nginx-genconf itself.
does [source FILE]
nginx-genconf evals script under Tcl's sandbox mechanism.
Before loading rules.tcl, it installs all public commands defined in ::util::*
to the sandbox. So, you may want to add procs there.
Also, nginx-genconf is written as reusable snit::type.
So, you can safely source
this tcl script and instantiate via
genconf NAME opts...