Releases: hkexgroup/resipy
- Fix bug #556 (3D forward modelling)
- Fix computation of modeling error magnitudes
- Fix bug IP workflow causing modeling errors to crash (though IP modeling error is not accounted for) #617
- Fix bug where survey data frames were incorrectly indexed when electrodes were removed*.
- Add filter-by electrode labels to the pre-processing tab, the filtered pseudo section is now viewable in 3D
- Add the possibility to use user-supplied error (e.g. stacking error as weight in the inversion)
- Added merged format for importing multiple datasets across multiple time steps
- Added export options tab
- Tweaked 3D meshing, which should improve discretization in the case of irregular grids
- *Fix pseudo-section when removing one electrode (#620)
Full Changelog: v3.5.4...v3.6.2
tweak: duplicated measurements with various ab and mn configurations now filtered by default.
tweak: reciprocal error calculation no longer a magnitude calculation. abmn configurations of normal and reciprocal measurements are now cross checked in order to determine the expected polarity.
- Remote electrodes usable with a quadrilateral mesh.
- Apparent resistivity calculations tweaked.
- 2D meshing defaults to 4 elements between electrodes
- Non UTF-8 import possible for certain formats.
- Add ability to convert UTM coordinates to local grid.
- Bug fix: Reciprocal measurements now filtered in timelapse mode.
- Bug fix: Sign of apparent resistivities is no longer altered.
- Bug fix: The 3D threshold filter.
- Bug fix: Remote electrodes work with pseudo 3D and 2D inversions.
- Bug fix: Better fine mesh depth calculated during forward modelling.
- Bug fix: 3D meshing where both surface and buried electrodes are present.
- Bug fix: Missing topography of remote electrodes
Tweak: Extra control points are added around electrodes in the case of meshing borehole surveys (2D and 3D)
Bug fix: Pre-processing range filtering indexing error
Bug fix: ResIPy UI crashes when doing a 2D forward model error.
Bug fix: Lippmann parser tweaked to handle missing data
Bug fix: RESIMGR parser tweaked to handle the presence of electrode geometry
ResIPy 3.5.0
- Introduction of project summary page into the UI.
- Major speed improvements to the loading of resistance (and IP) data
- Added the ability to make an error model in the case of non-conventional array setups (like column experiments)
- If doing a 3D inversion where all electrodes lie on the same Y plane and at the surface (i.e. a 2D line), the 3D meshing algorithm is altered such that a mesh with a 2D plane is created in a 3D space. This makes it easier to visualize results when slicing the mesh along the electrodes.
- 3D meshing has been tweaked in an attempt to make the meshing more efficient, 3D meshes now use a hemispherical half space.
- Reciprocal error calculation algorithm tweaked in order to be faster.
- Tweaked the calculation of apparent resistivity to account for boreholes / buried electrodes.
- Native support for Apple Silicon devices.
- Fixed incomprehensible results being returned by ResIPy for 3D difference inversion in time-lapse mode.
- Fixed an issue where ResIPy would crash if doing a error model for 3D surveys in the UI on windows.
- Adding the functionality to change electrode size in pyvista plotting. Thanks to @frederiknk
Bug fixes:
- Files where the first electrode != 1 are now not meshed
- 3D meshing works for non uniform grids now
for v3.4.4 (unpublished)
Bug fixes:
- Custom mesh regions now recognised.
- 3D mesh refinement stability improved.
- Fix for mesh regions / zones not being parsed in the UI when importing a custom mesh.
- Fixed saving csv data (this is in reference to a TypeError associated with pandas)
- Fixed mesh being cropped in 3D viewer despite "Do not crop" option selected.
- Geometric factor recomputed after forward modelling
- Can still add data to a survey even if reciprocals are present.
Changes/Improvements: - Buried electrode measurements now shown in pseudo section
- Time-lapse surveys now have their measurement schemes matched to the reference survey and not across all surveys (should help improve stability).
- Pseudo sections for buried electrodes now use a geometric median technique to display apparent resistivities.
- Improvement to difference regularised inversions. Surveys now treated independently of each other and data regularised on a survey-baseline basis (before all surveys and baseline were regularised together which lead to difficulties when certain surveys had poor data quality).
- Improvement to meshing in 3D when borehole electrodes are present.
- Added volume calculation in the UI.
for v3.4.3 (unpublished)
Bug fixes:
- Custom mesh regions now recognised.
- 3D mesh refinement stability improved.
New/changed Features:
- Buried electrode measurements now shown in pseudo section
- Time-lapse surveys now have their measurement schemes matched to the reference survey and not across all surveys (should help improve stability).
- Improved meshing for 3D surface arrays. Elements now grow away from electrodes inside of the fine mesh region, not just in the background region.
- 3D tetrahedral cylinder meshes now fully supported.
- ResIPy now parses contact resistance information providing the file format allows it, which can be viewed in pseudo section.
- Fixes to certain parsers.
- Add pv.spline() to slice 3D mesh along a line.
- Tape-measured X to true X conversion.
- Other various bug fixes.
- Bug fix: remote electrodes in 3D mesh generation
- Bug fix: Custom Parser importing correctly
- Bug fix: Importing protocol surveys
- Bug fix: Save Res2DInv format data
- Bug fix: BERT parser
- Bug fix: ARES parser
- Bug fix: Matplotlib xticklabel
- Bug fix: Starting resistivity
- Bug fix: Add wine64 path for apple silicon devices
- Bug fix: Pandas 1.4.0 not reading time-lapse data (internal)
- Bug fix: 3D tetrahedral mesh refinement