Css tokenizer following W3C Syntax Module Level 3. This module works almost OK, but may have some bugs, and needs more tests. PRs are wellcome!
Open css file with TokenizerObject
var tkz: CssTokenizer
To write out token data as a string, you can use "str" proc defined in "src/hepler".
import tokenizecss/helper
while tkz.kind != cssEOF:
someTargetObject.add ( tkz.str )
If you want catch and tokenize comment, CssTokenizer.open with readComment option = true.
import tokenizecss
var tokenizer: CssTokenizer
tokenizer.open("./target.css", readComment = true)
import tokenizecss/helper
while tokenizer.kind != cssEOF:
if tokenizer.kind == cssComment:
echo tokenizer.str
# Tokenizer Object
CssTokenizer* = object of BaseLexer
kind*: CssTokenKind
flag*: CssTypeFlag
strVal*: string
intVal*: int
fltVal*: float
chrVal*: char
temp* : string
readComment*: bool
filename*: string