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SOSP 2021 PC meeting

Quick guide:

NOTE: The zoom meeting ID should be created from the personal zoom room of the person who is adding this zoom app, and managing the breakout rooms.

Create a OAuth zoom app in order to get client id, client secret, access tokens: The instructions are at:

Follow the instructions in the above link to launch ngrok, which gives the redirection url. To install npm and node, this link can be used To install ngrok, this website has the instructions

While creating the OAuth app, you can add an app name of your choice, select User-managed app, Add the redirectURL at "Redirect URL for OAuth" and also at "Add Allow List". Note that after updating the .env file, rerun the local app using "npm run start", and then authorize the zoom app.

After following the above instructions, we should have access_token, refresh_token, update them in the token_secrets.json. The access_token and refresh_token is printed by the app server which was started by "npm run start". Then start a zoom meeting, using the meeting id (appers a number after /j/ in the url) in, can create breakout rooms.

update the zoom_secrets.json file is a simple test python program. It only creates breakout rooms and sets the assignment. The host has to leave and join back again to see the changes in the assignment. Only when open-rooms is clicked in the breakout rooms, people will be joining the breakout rooms. After review of each paper, to assign different members to the breakout rooms, is used. Note that this script only sets the assignment of the members to the breakout rooms. The host has to leave and join back again, to see the assignment of the members to the breakout rooms. And then when the breakout rooms are opened, the members are moved to the breakout rooms. The action of leaving and joining back the zoom meeting is automated using applescript, the code is in the script zoom-breakout.applescript

Documentation of different commands and scripts:

Important configuration: meeting.json points to the meeting ID, for both the API and to join it with scripting.

Several secrets are needed for authentication:

  • See for documentation on zoom_secrets.json and token_secrets.json.
  • hotcrp_secrets.json should have the form { "hotcrpsession": ... } where this session is easiest to get by exporting your cookies for from a browser and reading the output file.

Zoom application

edit Zoom PC meeting

Note: the below commands use fish syntax with foo (command) for interpolation; the analogous bash/zsh is foo $(command).

  • ./ generates a folder of CSVs for using Zoom's upload feature. Use this by editing the Zoom meeting.
  • is a library for accessing the Zoom API, with OAuth. When run it just tests authentication by fetching the current user's profile.
  • is the workhorse script.
    • ./ 70 uses the API to set the breakout rooms to paper 70.
    • ./ 82 87 90 takes the union of conflicts for multiple papers.
    • ./ --conflicts 70 prints the conflicts as a list of names (for manual usage).
  • returns the current paper in the HotCRP tracker. Use it like ./ (./ to get the paper number automatically.
  • ./zoom-breakout.applescript is a DSL for automating Zoom.
    • ./zoom-breakout.applescript reload joinBreakout goes through the process of reloading the meeting breakout rooms. The way this works is that you first change the meeting configuration (through the API, or via the meeting's edit URL and uploading a CSV file), then to "install" that new configuration, the host must close all rooms, then re-open them. All participants will then re-join with the correct room assignment.
    • ./zoom-breakout.applescript reload is close recreate open.
    • ./zoom-breakout.applescript moveTo= (./ --name-json 70) moves people by clicking through the UI. It gets the conflicts based on paper 70.
    • ./zoom-breakout.applescript moveTo= (./ --name-json (./ automatically fixes rooms based on the HotCRP tracker.
    • ./zoom-breakout.applescript leave join will leave and re-join the PC meeting.


zoom_breakout repository is under MIT License


Code for automating zoom breakout







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