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Phase2 Drupal project starting point with Docksal and GitLab CI


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Mike Potter
Mar 22, 2019
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This is a composer project used to spin up a starting instance of Drupal 8 Octane. Octane is a Drupal 8 project scaffold that provides the following features:

  • Uses the Acquia/Lightning distribution.
  • Uses Particle for the Pattern-Lab based theme.
  • Adds common modules needed by most large Drupal 8 sites.
  • Provides starting configuration for Docksal.
  • Provides starting configuration for CI on GitLab.

Quick Setup Guide

  1. Clone this repo and use your project's name as the directory name.
  2. Update the .env file as needed for your project.
  3. Run fin init.
  4. For the Drupal site, open http://PROJECTNAME.docksal
  5. For Pattern Lab, run fin theme and open http://design.PROJECTNAME.docksal


To create a Drupal Octane project clone this repository to a directory named for your project.

Scripts for managing your site are located in the bin folder:

  • Native (no docker containers) - run scripts in ./bin directly.
  • Docksal - run a script via fin scriptname.

To initialize your Drupal project, run the init script. It takes an optional argument to specify which "profile" to install. By default the "Lightning" profile will be used. Other options are "standard" or "minimal".

This will create the docker containers, create a database, and install Drupal. Your site will be available at projectname.docksal for Docksal.

Docksal example:

fin init

If configuration files are detected in the src/config/default directory, the site will be installed using this existing config and the profile argument will be ignored.

Other scripts

Custom scripts for your project should be created in the /bin folder and then referenced from Docksal (it is symlinked to .docksal/commands)

Octane comes with the following example scripts:

  • fin import : Used when you start working in a new branch and want to import the latest configuration. Done after a git pull. If this does not detect a valid Drupal installation it will prompt you to install a profile.
  • fin export : Used when you have finished work and want to export your configuration before doing a commit/push.
  • fin build : Run composer install to install/update dependencies. (NOTE: Because Docksal has it's own fin build command you actually have to run this via fin exec bin/build, but see the following rebuild command for the more common usage.)
  • fin rebuild: Calls both fin build followed by fin import. Used when starting a new branch to ensure you have all proper dependencies installed.
  • fin validate : Runs PHPCS style checks. Should be done before commit/push. CI build will fail if validation doesn't pass.
  • fin test : Runs tests. Takes an argument for unit, kernel, functional, functional-javascript, existing-site to determine which phpUnit test-suite to run. Without arguments it will run all except unit tests. If multiple arguments are passed, they are sent directly to phpUnit.
  • fin install : Reinstall Drupal from scratch.
  • fin newticket: Prompts for a JIRA ticket number and creates a new feature/* branch. Modify this script if your project is not using the default qa and test Wunderflow branch strategy.
  • fin fix-perms: Sets the ownership and permission of the Drupal sites/default/files folder. Used by other scripts.
  • fin theme: Used to compile the theme and then run browserstack to watch for sass, js, twig changes.

Docker Containers

Docksal defines a default stack and allows you to override the configuration in .docksal/docksal.yml which uses docker-compose syntax but only needs to contain the local overrides.

Default environment variables for the project and containers are defined in the .env file which Docksal symlinks to .docksal/docksal-local.env file. Docksal specific variables are defined in .docksal/docksal.env.

The following containers will be created and used for your site:

  • web - The Apache web container.
  • db - The MySQL (Docksal) or MariaDB (Outrigger) database container. Default user is admin and pass admin can be changed in the environment variables or db container configuration.

Build/CLI Container

One of the main priciples of Octane is to minimize the number of tools installed on your local computer (only Composer) and instead perform most tasks within a docker "build" container that contains all the tools.

In DockSal, the Build container is called cli and is defined within the default services stack, much like web or db and can be overridden using the docksal.yml file. Docksal provides its own set of aliases for common applications such as fin drush, fin composer, etc. To run a script within the build container, use the command syntax:

fin exec bin/

To open a bash shell into the Docksal Build/CLI container, use

fin bash

When creating a custom command for Docksal in the ./bin directory, you can add the comment

#: exec_target = cli

to the top of your script command file to cause it to be executed within the Build/CLI container instead of running locally.

Git Branching

By default, Octane is set up to support the Wunderflow workflow. Main branches should be named for the environment to be created in the cloud via GitLab CI. By default, the following branch names are used:

  • qa : The mainline branch used by the QA analyst to perform full release testing. Called the master branch in Wunderflow but the name was changed to prevent confusion with other workflows or prior developer assumptions. This is the branch used as the base for new feature/* branches.
  • test : The mainline branch where developer feature branches are initially merged for test and integration. Called the develop branch in Wunderflow but the name was changed to confusion with other workflows or prior developer assumptions. This is the DEFAULT branch of a project and is what merge-requests are created against for initial integration testing.
  • feature/* : Individual branches for each JIRA ticket or feature. Created using qa branch as the base, and then merged into test for integration.

The term develop refers the developer's local environment and branches.

GitLab CI Integration

The .gitlab-ci folder contains all of the scripts, charts, templates, etc for the integration with the GitLab CI service.

Project CI jobs are defined within the .gitlab-ci.yml configuration file. By default, the following job stages are defined:

  • tasks : Contains manually executed tasks for one-off needs, such as reinstalling Drupal in an environment, or cleaning up the Kubernetes cloud environment for a project.
  • build : Responsible for building the code base (composer, npm, etc) and building a docker image of the site pushed to the GitLab registry. Runs the bin/build script.
  • validate : Responsible for linting, checking code style, and running Unit tests. Runs the bin/validate script.
  • deploy : After validation, this stage pushes the docker image for the project to the Kubernetes cloud using the charts and templates defined within the .gitlab-ci folder. Projects should exercise caution when modifying these charts when adding additional needed services. If you have added additional containers to your docksal.yml configuration you will likely need to make similar changes and additions to the charts needed to create those containers within the Kubernetes cluster.
  • update : Responsible for installing Drupal, or updating Drupal (clear cache, update, config-import, etc). Runs the bin/import script.
  • test : Responsible for running the full set of tests (except Kernel). Octane includes some sample ExistingSite tests to verify the Drupal environment is working. Runs the bin/test script.
  • notify : The final stage can send notifications based on success or failure. By default this is set to send notifications to flowdock if you have set the FLOWDOCK_API_TOKEN environment variable in your GitLab project CI/CD settings.

The above pipeline is configured by default to trigger on any push/merge to either the test or qa main branches. For each branch, a site will be deployed to within the Kubernetes Cloud.

Commits to any feature/* branch will run a condensed pipeline of only the build and validate stages, but will not cause additional sites to be created.

The notify stage has separate jobs for notifications about the mainline branches vs the feature branches.

If you wish the sites to have different URLs from the name of the branch, you will need to copy the deploy scripts in the .gitlab-ci.yml job configuration and create new jobs within the stages and set the PROJECT_ENV variable to the desired environment name associated with the branch (one job per branch). Each additional job running in that branch (update, test, etc) will also need to be duplicated and given the specific environment name.


Phase2 Drupal project starting point with Docksal and GitLab CI







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