- This script likely will not work on modern mainstream distros due to them slowly transitioning to PipeWire and Wayland.
- There is no point in that script as offcial Discord client is now way more capable on Linux comparing to how it was before, and having alternatives like Vesktop that provides lots of additional features.
- If neither of the 2 options above work for you, you can also use web version via Chromium, though I've heard that the quality is not great.
Allows you to bypass discords' limitations on streaming with linux. With hikkaAVStream you can stream one of your monitors if you have dual screen setup, while also streaming audio.
- xrandr
- ffmpeg
- v4l2loopback
- pulseaudio
I wasn't able to use v4l2loopback provided by ubuntu's repository. I don't exactly know why, but with v4l2loopback installed with apt, ffmpeg just spits out error. I provided kernel module for Linux 5.0.0-25, but if you'll ever need to use this utility on newer version of linux, please compile v4l2loopback yourself.
- Install dependencies
- Clone repo
- Follow comments in 'havs.sh'
- Run
chmod +x havs.sh
- Run
- Follow prompt
- Switch discord webcam to dummy device (Must be running)
- Switch discord microphone to "Input" device monitor. (This could be done using pavucontrol)
- Switch output device in your aplication to "OutputInputSpeakers"
./havs.sh - Monitor to Camera
./havs.sh [option] [value]
-h, --help show help
-f, --framerate=FPS set framerate
-d, --device-number=NUM set device number
-m, --monitor-number=NUM set monitor number
Monitors: 2
0: +*DP-0 1920/531x1080/299+0+0 DP-0
1: +HDMI-0 1366/410x768/230+1920+0 HDMI-0
Which monitor: 0
CTRL + C to stop
- Better way of setting up audio devices
- Better way of setting up resolution
- Mon2Cam for foundation and video.
- pulseaudio-config for audio.
- v4l2loopback for making this work.