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PaulSchulz edited this page Feb 11, 2013 · 5 revisions

The architecture of Sheepdog is fully symmetric; there is no central node such as a meta-data server. This design enables following features.

  • Linear scalability in performance and capacity
    When more performance or capacity is needed, Sheepdog can be grown linearly by simply adding new machines to the cluster.

  • No single point of failure
    Even if a machine fails, the data is still accessible through other machines.

  • Easy administration
    There is no config file about cluster's role. When administrators launch the Sheepdog daemon at the newly added machine, Sheepdog automatically detects the added machine and begins to configure it as a member of the storage system.

Architecture Overview

Sheepdog is a distributed storage system and provides an object storage (something like simple key-value interface) to Sheepdog client (QEMU block driver). See the later sections for more details of each Sheepdog component.

  • Object storage
    Sheepdog is not a general file system. The Sheepdog daemons create a distributed object storage system for QEMU (The daemon name of Sheepdog is ''sheep''). We can store ''object'' to the storage system. A object is flexible-sized data and has a globally unique identifier. We can do read/write/create/delete operations to objects by specifying its identifier. The object storage is composed of ''gateway'' and ''object manager''.

  • Gateway
    The gateway receives I/O requests (object id, offset, length, and operation type) from the QEMU block driver, calculates the target nodes based on the consistent hashing algorithm, and forwards the I/O requests to the target nodes.

  • Object manager
    The object manager receives the forwarded I/O requests from the gateway, and executes read/write operations to its local disk.

  • Cluster manager
    The cluster manager manages node membership (detection of failed/added nodes and notification of node membership changes) and some operations which requires consensus between all nodes (vdi creation, snapshoting vdi, etc). Currently, we uses corosync cluster engine for the cluster manager.

  • QEMU block driver
    The QEMU block driver divides a VM image into fixed-sized objects (4 MB by default) and store them on the object storage via its gateway.

Object Storage

Each object is identified by globally unique 64 bit integer, and replicated to multiple nodes. QEMU block driver doesn't care about where to store the objects. The object storage system is responsible for managing where to place objects.

object types

Sheepdog objects are grouped into four types.

  • data object
    This contains the actual data of virtual disk images. The virtual disk images are divided into fixed-sized data objects. Sheepdog client basically accesses this object.

  • vdi object
    This contains the metadata of virtual disk images (e.g. image name, disk size, creation time, data object IDs belonging to the vdi, etc)

  • vmstate object
    This stores the vm state image of running VM, which is used when the administrator takes live snapshot.

  • vdi attr object
    We can store attributes for each VDI. This object stores them. The attribute is key-value style, something like an extend attribute of a regular file.

object ID rules

  • 0 - 31 (32 bits): object type specific space
  • 32 - 55 (24 bits): vdi id
  • 56 - 59 ( 4 bits): reserved
  • 60 - 63 ( 4 bits): object type identifier

Each VDI has a globally unique ID (vdi id), which is calculated from the hash value of the VDI name. The usage of lower 32 bits is as follows:

object type the usage of lower 32 bits
data object the index number in the virtual disk image
vdi object not used (filled with zero)
vmstate object the index number in the vm state image
vdi attr objects the hash value of the key name

object format

  • data object
    the chunk of the virtual disk image
  • vdi object
 struct sheepdog_inode {
     char name[SD_MAX_VDI_LEN];              /* the name of this VDI*/
     char tag[SD_MAX_VDI_TAG_LEN];           /* the snapshot tag name */
     uint64_t ctime;                         /* creation time of this VDI */
     uint64_t snap_ctime;                    /* the time snapshot is taken */
     uint64_t vm_clock_nsec;                 /* vm clock (used for live snapshot) */
     uint64_t vdi_size;                      /* the size of VDI */
     uint64_t vm_state_size;                 /* the size of vm state (used for live snapshot) */
     uint16_t copy_policy;                   /* reserved */
     uint8_t  nr_copies;                     /* the number of object redundancy */
     uint8_t  block_size_shift;              /* info about the size of the data object */
     uint32_t snap_id;                       /* the snapshot id */
     uint32_t vdi_id;                        /* the vdi id */
     uint32_t parent_vdi_id;                 /* the parent snapshot vdi id of this VDI */
     uint32_t child_vdi_id[MAX_CHILDREN];    /* the children VDIs of this VDI */
     uint32_t data_vdi_id[MAX_DATA_OBJS];    /* the data object IDs this VDI contains*/

If snap_ctime is non-zero, the VDI is a snapshot. If the length of string name is zero, the VDI is deleted.

  • vmstate object
    the chunk of the vm state image

  • vdi attr object
    The first SD_MAX_VDI_ATTR_KEY_LEN bytes (256 bytes) is the key name of this attribute. The rest of the object is the value of this attribute.

read-only/writable objects

From the view of how to access objects, we can also categorize Sheepdog objects into two groups.

  • writable one VM can write and read the object but other VMs cannot access.

  • read-only object (e.g. data objects of a snapshot VDI) No VM can write the object but any VMs can read the object.

This means that virtual machines cannot share the same volume at the same time. This restriction avoids write-write conflicts and significantly simplify the implementation of sheepdog storage system.

other features

Sheepdog object storage can accepts copy-on-write requests; when the clients send a create and write request, they can also specify the base object (the source of the CoW operation). This is used for snapshot and clone operations.


where to store objects

Sheepdog uses consistent hashing to decide where to store objects. Consistent hashing is a scheme that provides hash table functionality, and the addition or removal of nodes does not significantly change the mapping of objects. I/O load is balanced across the nodes by features of hash table.


Data replication of Sheepdog is simple. We assume that there is only one writer, so write collision cannot happen. Clients can send write request to the target nodes in parallel, and send read requests to one of the target nodes if clients order the I/O requests in themselves.

write I/O flow

The gateway calculates the target nodes with consistent hashing, and sends write requests to all of the target nodes. The write request is successful only when all replicas can be successfully updated. It is because if one of the replicated objects are not updated, the gateway could read the old data from the not-updated object for the next time.

read I/O flow

The gateway calculates the target nodes with consistent hashing, and sends a read request to one of the target nodes.

  • fix object consistency
    The consistency of the replication could be broken if the node crash during forwarding write I/O requests, so the gateway tries to fix the consistency when it reads object for the first time; read a whole object data from one of the target node and overwrite all replicas with it.

retrying I/O requests

Sheepdog stores all node membership histories. We call the version number of the histories ''epoch'' (See also the 'Object Recovery' section). When the gateway forwards I/O requests to the target node and the latest epoch number doesn't match between the gateway and the target node, the I/O requests fail and the gateway retries the requests until the epoch numbers match. This is necessary to keep a strong consistency of replicated objects.

I/O retry can also happen when the target nodes are down and failed to complete I/O operations.

Object Manager

The object manager stores objects to the local disk. Currently, it stores each object as one file. This is quite simple. We could use other DBMS (like BerkeleyDB, Tokyo Cabinet, etc) as the object manager, but not supported now.

path name rule

Objects are stored in the following path:

/store_dir/obj/[epoch number]/[object ID]

All object files also have an extended attribute sheepdog.copies, which specifies the number of the object redundancy.

write journaling

When the sheep daemon fails during write operations, objects could be partially updated. Basically, this is not a problem because if the VM doesn't receive the success, there is no guarantee about the content of the written sectors. However, with regards to vdi objects, we must update in all or nothing way because if the vdi objects are updated partially, the metadata of VDI could broken. To avoid this problem, we use journal for write operations against vdi objects. The processes of journaling is quite simple.

  1. create a journal file "/store_dir/journal/[epoch]/[vdi object id]"
  2. write a data to the journal file first
  3. write a data to the vdi object
  4. remove the journal file

Cluster Manager

In most cases, Sheepdog clients can access their images independently because we do not allow for clients to access the same image at the same time. But some VDI operations (e.g. cloning VDI, creating VDI) must be done exclusively because the operations update global information. To implement this without central servers, we uses Corosync cluster engine.

In future, we'll extend Sheepdog to support other systems as the cluster manager.

(this section is under construction)

QEMU Block Driver

Sheepdog volumes are divided into 4 MB data objects. The object of newly created volume are not allocated at all, that is, only written objects are allocated.


First of all, QEMU block driver reads a vdi object from the Object storage through the gateway in bdrv_open().


The block driver calculates the data object id from the requested sector offset and size, and sends requests to the gateway. When the block driver sends write requests to the data object which is not belongs to the current VDI, the block driver sends CoW requests to allocate a new data object.

write to snapshot vdi

We can attach a snapshot VDI to the QEMU. When the block driver sends the write request to the snapshot VDI for the first time, the block driver creates a new writable VDI as a child of the snapshot, and sends requests against the new VDI.

VDI Operations


When looking up the VDI object,

  1. calculate a vdi id from the hash value of the vdi name
  2. calculate a vdi object id from the vdi id
  3. send a read request to the vdi object
  4. if the vdi is not the requested one, increment the vdi id and retry to send a read request

snapshot, cloning

Snapshot and cloning operation is quite simple:

  1. read a target VDI
  2. create a new VDI which has the same content as the target object VDI
  3. set the ''parent_vdi_id'' of the new VDI to the target VDI id
  4. set the ''child_vdi_id'' of the target VDI to the new VDI id
  5. set the ''snap_ctime'' of the target VDI to the current time then, the new vdi becomes the current vdi object.

When we create a snapshot of the running VM (live snapshot), we also stores the vm state info to the vmstate objects.


TODO: currently, reclaiming of unused data objects is not invoked until all relevant VDI objects (all relative snapshot VDIs and cloned VDIs) are deleted.

After all relevant VDIs are deleted, Sheepdog deletes all data objects of the VDIs, and set the null string to the name of the vdi objects.

Object Recovery


Sheepdog stores histories of node membership in the stored directory. The path name is

/store_dir/epoch/[epoch number]

Each file contains the list of nodes info (IP address, port number, the number of virtual nodes) at the epoch.

recovery process

  1. Receive all stored object IDs from all nodes
  2. Calculate which objects to have
  3. Create the object IDs list file "/store_dir/obj/[the current epoch]/list"
  4. Send a read requests to get objects whose ID is in the list file. The requests are sent to the node which had the object at the previous epoch.
  5. Store the object to the current epoch directory

conflicts I/Os

If QEMU sends I/O requests against objects which are not recovered yet, Sheepdog blocks the requests and recovers the objects preferentially.


All requests of Sheepdog consist of the fixed-sized header part (48 bytes) and the flexible-sized data part. The header includes a protocol version, an operation code, an epoch number, a length of the data, etc.

between sheep and QEMU

operation code description
SD_OP_CREATE_AND_WRITE_OBJ Sends a request to create a new object and write data to it. If the object already exists, this operation fails.
SD_OP_READ_OBJ Sends a request to read data from a object.
SD_OP_WRITE_OBJ Sends a request to write data to a object. If the object does not exist, this operation fails
SD_OP_NEW_VDI Sends a vdi name to the object storage and create a new vdi object. This returns the unique vdi id of the vdi in the response.
SD_OP_RELEASE_VDI Not used now.
SD_OP_GET_VDI_INFO Get information about the vdi (e.g. vdi id).
SD_OP_READ_VDIS Get the list of vdi IDs which are already used.

between sheep and collie

operation code description
SD_OP_DEL_VDI Delete the requested VDI.
SD_OP_GET_NODE_LIST Get the list of sheepdog nodes.
SD_OP_GET_VM_LIST Not used now.
SD_OP_MAKE_FS Create a sheepdog cluster.
SD_OP_SHUTDOWN Stop a sheepdog cluster.
SD_OP_STAT_SHEEP Get information about local disk usage.
SD_OP_STAT_CLUSTER Get information about the sheepdog cluster
SD_OP_KILL_NODE Abort the sheep daemon.
SD_OP_GET_VDI_ATTR Get a vdi attr object id.

between sheeps

operation code description
SD_OP_REMOVE_OBJ Removes the object.
SD_OP_GET_OBJ_LIST Get the list of object IDs which are stored on the target node.