Chef-Client v12.4.0 supports syslog, Thank you.
Send chef-client log to syslog.
reference from:
chef-client cookbook syslog-logger gem (will be installed)
add run_list recipe[chef-client_syslog::default]
Use with cookbook[monit_bin]
Add monitoring setting for monit like below.
"monit": {
"process": {
"targets": {
"chef-client": {
"type": "pid",
"pidfile": "/var/run/",
"start_program": "/usr/bin/chef-client -d -i 1800 -s 300 -l warn -P /var/run/",
"stop_program": "/bin/bash -c '/bin/kill `cat /var/run/`'",
"policies": [
"if 2 restarts within 3 cycles then timeout"
chef-client daemon is watched by monit and controled under monit.
monit start/stop chef-client
- default['chef_client']['log']['syslog_facility'] = '::Syslog::LOG_DAEMON'
The syslog facility to log to
- default['chef_client']['log']['syslog_progname'] = 'chef-client'
The program name reported to syslog
- default
Author:: HiganWorks LLC ([email protected])