This project is based on Detector, which uses the libibmad- and libibnetdisc-libraries to automatically discover all InfiniBand devices in a network and read their performance counters.
The goal of ib-scanner is to provide a simple to use frontend for Detector, allowing InfiniBand users to monitor multiple NICs at once and getting diagnostic information about their network.
This project supports Linux only. It uses the libibmad- and libibnetdisc-libraries. CMake is used to generate build scripts. To compile everything, just run
To start the project, just execute the compiled binary scanner with root privileges.
On a Debian-based system, you can run theses commands to build and run the project:
sudo apt install cmake libibmad-dev libibumad-dev libibnetdisc-dev libopensm-dev
sudo ./build/bin/scanner
It is also possible to start ib-scanner in compatibility mode, where it does not need root privileges. However, it will only monitor local HCAs, by reading their counters from the filesystem, in this mode.
./build/bin/scanner --mode compat
To get more information about the parameters, run:
./build/bin/scanner --help