Now frontend and backend will not live togheter anymore. Frango use by default Gulp to automate your frontend tasks, creating a familiar enviroment for frontend developers who works with Django as backend framework.
First of all, dependences. This is what Frango need from your system:
- NodeJS
- Bower
- Gulp
Install dependences:
curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo npm install -g npm
sudo npm install -g gulp-cli bower
To start a new Django project using Frango:
pip install django
django-admin startproject --template= myproject
cd myproject
make config
Frango come with a django frontend app witch will suport you with several features, like management command to run developement server wich will manage a BrowserSync process for you and some helpfull templatetags.
To run development server with BrowserSync proxy:
cd myproject/backend
python server
All the frontend files now live in frontend
directory. The files here are
famliliar to all frontend developers. The main directores is:
- static - All static files for project like: images, styles, scripts and fonts.
- templates - All project templates
- dist - All build files for production. This directory will be generated by
gulp build
command. - .tmp - All runtime files generated by development server. Like output from sass and javascript from babel.
By default, frontend is automated by Gulp. This is which tasks Frango has by default:
- BrowserSync - Here's pleasure, now all your test browser will be automatically updated when any changes happen.
- sass - Compile automaticaly all sass files.
- babel - Now you can write ES6 without worry about browser support.
- autoprefixer - You don't need to remember all browser support tags, this task will add for you.
- cssnano - This task will make your css small as possible.
- eslit - If you make something wrong in your Javascript, this task will make you know about it.
- imagemin - If your image has pixel wich you don't need, this will remove for you.
- sourcemaps - You need to be remembered where your source code live, this task will create a map for you.
- wiredep - Dude, you don't need to put your dependences by yourself, this will put for in your html or sass files after execute bower install.
- uglify - This task is what you need to minify your javascript.
- useref - This task will help you concatenate your files easily.
- mocha - By default we have mocha for your tests.
- notify - Gulp will notify you when your styles or scripts have errors.
All this stuff run automatically by default in your development server.
The main gulp tasks are:
gulp serve:django
- Run BrowserSync in port 9000 as a proxy to port 8000.gulp serve:test
- Run javascript tests using mocha by default.gulp serve
- Run web server using BrowserSync to serve template folder and statics ( usefull for create html without run a django server ).gulp build
- Create a distribution directory with all final files for production.
To create a distribute build you need to execute the gulp build task:
cd myproject/frontend
gulp build
This task will create a dist
folder with all minified and compressed files.
- Test, test and more test.
- Feedback from frontend nation.
- Improve npm speed and a better strategy for first install of dependency in deployment proccess.
- Improve django management command for manage gulp process. Gulp process is restart always django server is restarted.
- Documentation.