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NetChan - Reliable Network Channels NetChan Logo

Reliable, or deterministic network channel (NetChan) is a logical construct that can be added to a distributed system to provide deterministic and reliable connections. The core idea is to make it simple to express the traffic for a channel in a concise, provable manner and provide constructs for creating and using the channels.

In essence, a logical channel can be used as a local UNIX pipe between remote systems.

A fundamental part of the reliability provided by NetChan is Time Sensitive Networking (TSN) which is used to reserve capacity and guard the data being transmitted. This is not to say that NetChan require

TSN, but without a hard QoS scheme, determinism cannot be guaranteed.

The motivation for NetChan is to make it easier to create large, distributed systems without being bogged down in the minute details of networking. Robot production

Overall Design

NetChan is intended to create a logical channel between to processes running on different hosts in a network. The process need not run on different hosts (but if you're on the same host, perhaps other means of communicating is a better fit).

Conceptually, NetChan provide a channel that is undisturbed by outside events such as other people using your network capacity. A channel is used by a sender (often called Talker in TSN terminology) and one or more receivers (Listeners). The data in the channel is sent in a stream, again from TSN terminology and is just a sequence of network packages that logically belong together (think periodic temperature readings or from a microphone being continously sampled).


Central to all of this, is 'the Manifest' where all the streams are listed. Each stream is described using payload size, target destination, traffic class, transmitting frequency and a unique ID. This is then used by the core NetChan machinery to allocate buffers, start receivers, reserve bandwidth etc.

struct channel_attrs attrs[] = {
		.dst       = {0x01, 0x00, 0x5E, 0x01, 0x02, 0x42},
		.stream_id = 42,
		.cs 	   = SC_CLASS_A,
		.size      =  8,
		.freq      = 50,
		.name      = "mcast42",

All participants in the distributed system will use the manifest to configure the channels.

NetChan will compile a static library which can be used to link your application. The project has a couple of examples, look at the meson build file.

Simple talker example

A talker (the task or process that produces data) need only 2 macros from NetChan: namely

  • instantiate the channel locally
  • write data to channel

Note: this example is stripped of all excessive commands, includes etc. Have a gander at the talker for the full example.

#include <netchan.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	for (int64_t i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
		WRITE(mcast42, &i);
	return 0;

The examples directory also contains a sample listener to be used alongside the talker example above.

Simple C++ Listener example

Starting from v0.1.2, a C++ wrapper has been added to net_chan, exposing Rx and Tx channels in a class hierarchy.

#include <netchan.hpp>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    netchan::NetHandler nh("eth0", "listener_log.csv", true);
    netchan::NetChanRx rx(nh, &attrs[0]);
    uint64_t data;
    while (1) {
        if ( {
            // handle data

Build instructions

NetChan uses meson and ninja to build and details can be found in the meson build file.

meson build
ninja -C build/

The C++ examples are not built by default as meson is not particularly happy for building a C application and library and then also run a C++ compiler. For the time being, the C++ examples must be compiled manually:

g++ -o build/cpp_listener examples/listener.cpp build/libnetchan.a build/libmrp.a -lboost_program_options -pthread -I include && \
g++ -o build/cpp_talker examples/talker.cpp build/libnetchan.a build/libmrp.a -lboost_program_options -pthread -I include && {

Installing NetChan

To install, run meson install from within the build directory or manually grab the generated files:

  • include/
  • build/libtimedavtp_avtp.a
  • build/libmrp.a

Running tests

NetChan has a few unit-test written in Unity, a lightweight C-framework for tests that is reasonable small and (importantly) very fast. It does require that an mrpd-daemon is running (see below). See scripts/ for how to set up tests to run.

A typical workflow consists of setting up watch_builder in one terminal and watch the system kick into action when files are saved

~/dev/netchan ~/dev/netchan
. ./examples ./include ./include/srp ./src ./srp ./test ./tools
Setting up watches.
Watches established.

ninja: Entering directory `build/'
ninja: no work to do.
ninja: Entering directory `/home/henrikau/dev/netchan/build'
ninja: no work to do.
1/5 mrp                OK              0.26s
2/5 nh macro           OK              0.47s
3/5 pdu test           OK              0.88s
4/5 nh net fifo        OK              0.91s
5/5 nh test            OK              1.13s

Ok:                 5
Expected Fail:      0
Fail:               0
Unexpected Pass:    0
Skipped:            0
Timeout:            0

Full log written to /home/henrikau/dev/netchan/build/meson-logs/testlog.txt

Including Reliable Network Channels in other projects

The system builds 2 static libraries, one of which is a slightly modified version of AvNUs mrp-client. This is kept separate to avoid licensing issues. The other librarly (libnetchan.a) contains the NetChan functionality.

The headers, apart from defining functions and #defines, also contains a few helper-macros which is useful for testing the system. For a more mature system, using the functions directly is recommended as you get a bit more intuitive help from the compiler.

Enabling TSN/AVB

To use TSN, a few components must be configured outside the project

generalized Precision Timing Protocol (gPTP)

TSN relies on accurate timestamps and gPTP is a required component. LinuxPTP is compatible with gPTP and comes with a gPTP config. In this example the NIC is 'enp2s0', replace it with the correct one for your network:

sudo ptp4l -i enp2s0 -f gPTP.cfg -m --step_threshold=1 --socket_priority=4
sudo phc2sys -s enp2s0 -c CLOCK_REALTIME --step_threshold=1 --transportSpecific=1 -w

There's no need to run phc2sys as we will read the timestamp directly from the network interface.

ptp4l can either be installed via your favorite package manager or cloned and built locally.

git clone git:// linuxptp
cd linuxptp/
sudo make install

Linux Socket Priority and SO_TXTIME

netchan relies on Linux and the SO_TXTIME socket option to schedule the transmission of a frame exactly at a specified time. Since 2018, Linux has had support for the Earliest Transmission First Qdisc, and given a NIC with proper support (such as Intel I210 and I225), this can be offloaded to hardware.

Enabling mqprio to attach Qdisc to a specific txqueue

sudo tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent root handle 4242 mqprio \
   num_tc 4 map 3 3 1 0 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 \
   queues 1@0 1@1 1@2 1@3 hw 0

Enabling ETF for hw-queue 0

Both I210 and I225 support LaunchTime, a hardware feature allowing the NIC to send a frame at a specified timestamp with ns accuracy. netchan uses this to implement CBS in software (and thus also TAS at a later stage).

sudo tc qdisc add dev eth0 parent 4242:1 etf clockid CLOCK_TAI \
    delta 100000 offload

note1 Do NOT enable deadline mode! This will cause ETF to discard the scheduled txtime and instead send the frame immediately. It will not however, update the reference of last sent frame, causing all preceding frames with timestamp between now and the original txtime to be discarded. This can be somewhat frustrating

note2 Select delta based on your systems behavior. If you have good RT behavior, reducing delta will reduce E2E latency. Use cyclictest to determine the max error and use a value in that range.

Enabling CBS for hw-queue 1

For periodic traffic with a high rate, the TAS implementation on Linux struggles to keep track. The internal rb-tree used to sort frames for transmission based on SO_TXTIME turns out to be a bottleneck once rate exceeds 500Hz.

sudo tc qdisc replace dev eth0 parent 4242:2 cbs idleslope 21760 \
    sendslope -978240 hicredit 34 locredit -133 offload 1

note Once traffic enters the CBS Qdisc, there will be NO MORE reordering, opening this queue up for a Tx-time race condition.

Exposing VLAN 2

TSN (and AVB) defaults to VLAN 2. This is something a network admin can choose to modify, so consult your local network before committing to this.

sudo ip link add link eth0 name eth0.2 type vlan id 2 egress-qos-map 2:2 3:3

This will create a new link, eth0.2 that maps to VLAN2 and connects local PCP to network PCP 2 and 3 (default for AVB/TSN).

Stream Reservation

A key feature of NetChan is the ability to reserve bandwidth and buffer capacity through the network (provided the network supports TSN). This is done using the stream reservation protocol (SRP) and AvNU has an excellent project (OpenAvnu) to support this. In this project, the mrpd daemon must be built and started locally on each machine. NetChan comes with the client-side of AvNUs mrp code, slightly tailored and adapted for our need (this can be found in the srp/ subfolder). This allows NetChan to communicate with the mrpd-daemon and send reservations, receive subscribe requests etc.

git clone
cd OpenAvnu
make mrpd

Once started, the dameon will then listen on a localhost port awaiting clients to connect before sending the required SRP messages to the network.

sudo ./daemons/mrpd/mrpd -i enp2s0 -mvs

Enabling SRP

To instruct NetChan to attach to the srp daemon and reserve bandwidth and buffers, the startup-section of your code must contain calls to nc_use_srp();. This will cause NetChan to hook into the mrp-client library and ensure that the stream is properly protected. In a network with other noise, this has a very noticable effect.


Reliable Network Channels








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