This project contains the required components for ArchiveSpark to enter a Web archive (the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine) through temporal search results provided by Tempas (v2).
It includes an ArchiveSpark DataSpec, named TempasWaybackSpec
, which can be configured using the following parameters:
- query (String): The query keywords.
- from (Int, optional): The begin year of the query time interval.
- to (Int, optional): The begin year of the query time interval.
- pages (Int, optional): How many pages to receive, i.e., the level of parallelism.
- resultsPerPage (Int, optional): How many results per page.
E.g., TempasWaybackSpec("obama", from = 2005, to = 2012, pages = 10, resultsPerPage = 50)
val rdd = ArchiveSpark.load(sc, TempasWaybackSpec("obama", from = 2005, to = 2012, pages = 10, resultsPerPage = 50))
An example is provided as Jupyter notebook under: CompareMenus-DMvsEuro. In this toy study we compare restaurant prices and find that they actually increased when the Euro was introduced in Germany.
To use this library, we recommend an interactive environment, such as Jupyter in combination with Toree to run Spark instructions on a cluster.
Please make sure that you have both ArchiveSpark as well as this Tempas2ArchiveSpark library in your classpath.
To build a JAR file of this project, we recommend to use SBT:
git clone
cd Tempas2ArchiveSpark
sbt assembly
Now the resulting JAR file should be located under Tempas2ArchiveSpark/target/tempas-archivespark-assembly-1.0.0.jar