Choose 1 of following 2 methods:
- Install the latest NodeJS from this site
Setup MongoDB
- Install mongodb
- Start mongo server by command line
- Setup root user:
- Connect to mongo server:
- Switch to admin database:
use admin
- Create a root admin user:
db.createUser({user: "admin",pwd: "admin123", roles:[{role: "userAdminAnyDatabase", db: "admin"}]})
- Connect to mongo server:
- Restart mongod server with authenticaton mode:
mongod -auth
- Now you can login by admin account:
mongo admin -u admin -p admin123
- Switch to desired database:
use ondemand
- Create the new user for this database:
db.createUser({user: "ondemand", pwd: "admin123", roles: ["dbOwner"]})
- Now you can login to desired database by your own account:
Clone this repo and navigate into project folder
Install docker from instruction in
- Install all related packages. At current root project folder, run this command:
npm install
yarn install
- Copy .env from sample .env file depends on which environment you are running on
copy .env
copy .env
- Configure settings in the new .env, point them to local environment if you run this server on local machine.
For example, the following config is used to run server at port 5000, connected to Mongo DB hosted on localhost
# Express Config
# Mongo DB Config
MONGO_DB_URI = mongodb://minho:minho123@localhost:27017/admin
At the root of project, run this command:
- For development
ts-node src/server.ts
npm start
- For production
tsc --resolveJsonModule
Files are built into build
folder. Run the following command
node build/server.js
docker-compose up
Server is hosted at port which is defined under PORT
field in .env file
API docs is served at:
For the easy to track which job are scheduled/running/completed, we can see them at
If you are using socket in this app. You can start an example socket client, try to connect to server and see what events are emitted
Event listeners are defined in public/socketClient.html
. You can edit on demand.
Build the images that includes api source code
docker build -f api.Dockerfile -t [repoName]/thai-mobility-api .
Push to docker repository
docker push [repoName]/thai-mobility-api
This image is used to excute some script after mongo service run
docker build -f mongo-client.Dockerfile -t [repoName]/mongo-client
Push to docker repository
docker push [repoName]/mongo-client
Navigate to desired folder, pull docker-compose.yml file. Run
docker-comopse up
The api is available at http://localhost/5502
Mongo database: mongodb://thaimobility:admin123@mongo:27017/thaimobility
, and its data is served at ./data
Web front end: http://localhost:8081
CMS: http://localhost:8082