I would like to give some information about git and how to use it as a DBA. This document covers the basics of git architecture and usage
- The short answer is "Yes". We need a source control system to store our's documents, code, store procedures etc. On the other hand, we should be able to see historical changes.
First of all, we have to understand what does git mean and why do we need it?
The official definition is; "Git is a distributed version control system"
The key idea of git;
- "distributed" which means that there is no central server on that you can hold your documents. It does not mean you can't have a server that's why it is very flexible and maintainable.
Which kind of problem git solves? You can find the most important two ideas behind the git that how to resolve your problems
- Git is used to tracking changes in your documents. It is also enabling multiple people to work on the same documents simultaneously. That will give you work more efficient way to manage your documents.
- Git also provides a branching system; The branching system is used to keep your changes isolated from the main branch. It will keep you on the safe side until you merge your branch, the main branch will remain stable.
Install git for windows The installation of git is straight forward and you can follow the link above