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curl for GraphQL with autocomplete, subscriptions and GraphiQL. Also a dead-simple universal javascript GraphQL client.


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graphqurl is a curl like CLI for GraphQL. It's features include:

  • CLI for making GraphQL queries. It also provisions queries with autocomplete.
  • Use as a library with Node.js or from the browser
  • Supports subscriptions
  • Export GraphQL schema

Note: v2.0.0 onwards, support for GraphiQL (UI) is removed. See this issue for more details. Use v1.0.3 for GraphiQL feature.

Made with ❤️ by Hasura

Subscriptions triggering bash

Table of contents


Steps to Install CLI

npm install -g graphqurl

Steps to Install Node Library

npm install --save graphqurl




gq https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
     -q 'query { table { column } }'


Graphqurl can auto-complete queries using schema introspection. Execute the command without providing a query string:

$ gq <endpoint> [-H <header:value>]
Enter the query, use TAB to auto-complete, Ctrl+Q to execute, Ctrl+C to cancel

You can use TAB to trigger auto-complete. Ctrl+C to cancel the input and Ctrl+Q/Enter to execute the query.


Subscriptions can be executed and the response is streamed on to stdout.

gq <endpoint> \
   -q 'subscription { table { column } }'

Export schema

Export GraphQL schema to GraphQL or JSON format:

gq <endpoint> --introspect > schema.graphql

# json
gq <endpoint> --introspect --format json > schema.json




  • ENDPOINT: graphql endpoint (can be also set as GRAPHQURL_ENDPOINT env var)

Flag Reference

Flag Shorthand Description
--query -q GraphQL query to execute
--header -H request header
--variable -v Variables used in the query
--variablesJSON -n Variables used in the query as JSON
--singleLine -l Prints output in a single line, does not prettify
--introspect Introspect the endpoint and get schema
--format Output format for GraphQL schema after introspection. Options: json, graphql (Default: graphql)
--help -h Outputs the command help text
--version Outputs CLI version
--queryFile File to read the query from
--operationName Name of the operation to execute from the query file
--variablesFile JSON file to read the query variables from

Node Library

Using callbacks:

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');

const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>'

function successCallback(response, queryType, parsedQuery) {
  if (queryType === 'subscription') {
    // handle subscription response
  } else {
    // handle query/mutation response

function errorCallback(error, queryType, parsedQuery) {

    query: 'query ($id: Int) { table_by_id (id: $id) { column } }',
    variables: { id: 24 }

Using Promises:

For queries and mutations,

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');

const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>'

    query: 'query ($id: Int) { table_by_id (id: $id) { column } }',
    variables: { id: 24 }
).then((response) => console.log(response))
 .catch((error) => console.error(error));

For subscriptions,

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');

const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>'
  websocket: {
    endpoint: 'wss://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
    onConnectionSuccess: () => console.log('Connected'),
    onConnectionError: () => console.log('Connection Error'),

    subscription: 'subscription { table { column } }',
  (event) => {
    console.log('Event received: ', event);
    // handle event
  (error) => {
    console.log('Error: ', error);
    // handle error



The createClient function is available as a named export. It takes init options and returns client.

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');
  • options: [Object, required] graphqurl init options with the following properties:

    • endpoint: [String, required] GraphQL endpoint
    • headers: [Object] Request header, defaults to {}. These headers will be added along with all the GraphQL queries, mutations and subscriptions made through the client.
    • websocket: [Object] Options for configuring subscriptions over websocket. Subscriptions are not supported if this field is empty.
      • endpoint: [String, ] WebSocket endpoint to run GraphQL subscriptions.
      • shouldRetry: [Boolean] Boolean value whether to retry closed websocket connection. Defaults to false.
      • parameters: [Object] Payload to send the connection init message with
      • onConnectionSuccess: [void => void] Callback function called when the GraphQL connection is successful. Please not that this is different from the websocket connection being open. Please check the followed protocol for more details.
      • onConnectionError: [error => null] Callback function called if the GraphQL connection over websocket is unsuccessful
      • onConnectionKeepAlive: [void => null]: Callback function called when the GraphQL server sends GRAPHQL_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE messages to keep the connection alive.
  • Returns: [client]


const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql'

The graphqurl client exposeses the following methods:

  • client.query: [(queryoptions, successCallback, errorCallback) => Promise (response)]

    • queryOptions: [Object required]
      • query: [String required] The GraphQL query or mutation to be executed over HTTP
      • variables: [Object] GraphQL query variables. Defaults to {}
      • headers: [Object] Header overrides. If you wish to make a GraphQL query while adding to or overriding the headers provided during initalisations, you can pass the headers here.
    • successCallback: [response => null] Success callback which is called after a successful response. It is called with the following parameters:
      • response: The response of your query
    • errorCallback: [error => null] Error callback which is called after the occurrence of an error. It is called with the following parameters:
      • error: The occurred error
    • Returns: [Promise (response) ] This function returns the response wrapped in a promise.
      • response: response is a GraphQL compliant JSON object in case of queries and mutations.
  • client.subscribe: [(subscriptionOptions, eventCallback, errorCallback) => Function (stop)]

    • subscriptionOptions: [Object required]
      • subscription: [String required] The GraphQL subscription to be started over WebSocket
      • variables: [Object] GraphQL query variables. Defaults to {}
      • onGraphQLData: [(response) => null] You can optionally pass this function as an event callback
      • onGraphQLError: [(response) => null] You can optionally pass this function as an error callback
      • onGraphQLComplete: [() => null] Callback function called when the GraphQL subscription is declared as complete by the server and no more events will be received
    • eventCallback: [(response) => null] Event callback which is called after receiving an event from the given subscription. It is called with the following parameters:
      • event: The received event from the subscription
    • errorCallback: [error => null] Error callback which is called after the occurrence of an error. It is called with the following parameters:
      • error: The occurred error
    • Returns: [void => null] This is a function to stop the subscription

More Examples

Node Library

Queries and Mutations

Query example with variables

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');

const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
  headers: {
    'x-access-key': 'mysecretxxx',

    query: `
      query ($name: String) {
        table(where: { column: $name }) {
    variables: {
      name: 'Alice'
).then((response) => console.log(response))
 .catch((error) => console.error(error));


Using promises,

const { createClient } = require('graphqurl');
const client = createClient({
  endpoint: 'https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer Andkw23kj=Kjsdk2902ksdjfkd'
  websocket: {
    endpoint: 'wss://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql',

const eventCallback = (event) => {
  console.log('Event received:', event);
  // handle event

const errorCallback = (error) => {
  console.log('Error:', error)

    query: 'subscription { table { column } }',


Generic example:

gq \
     https://my-graphql-endpoint/graphql \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <token>' \
     -H 'X-Another-Header: another-header-value' \
     -v 'variable1=value1' \
     -v 'variable2=value2' \
     -q 'query { table { column } }'

Maintained with ❤️ by Hasura