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Simplify test{,Normalized}{Actual,Expect}File{Out,Stdout,Stderr} fami…
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fredefox committed Nov 29, 2021
1 parent 061d603 commit 3b1d3c5
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Showing 3 changed files with 47 additions and 100 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion cabal-testsuite/PackageTests/FileDescriptors/cabal.stdout
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
# cabal build
138 changes: 43 additions & 95 deletions cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Monad.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -35,9 +35,8 @@ module Test.Cabal.Monad (
-- * Skipping tests
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -354,36 +353,28 @@ runTestM mode m = withSystemTempDirectory "cabal-testsuite" $ \tmp_dir -> do
check_expect accept = do
env <- getTestEnv
norm_env <- mkNormalizerEnv
let testDiff actual actualNormalized expect expectNormalized = when (words actual /= words expect) $ do
-- First try whitespace insensitive diff
-- let actualNormalized = testNormalizedActualFileStdout env
-- expectNormalized = testNormalizedExpectFileStdout env
liftIO $ writeFile actualNormalized actual
liftIO $ writeFile expectNormalized expect
liftIO $ putStrLn "Actual output differs from expected:"
b <- diff ["-uw"] expectNormalized actualNormalized
unless b . void $ diff ["-u"] expectNormalized actualNormalized
if accept
then do liftIO $ putStrLn "Accepting new output."
liftIO $ writeFileNoCR (testExpectFileStdout env) actual
else liftIO $ exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
-- actualOut <- normalizeOutput norm_env <$> liftIO (readFileOrEmpty (testActualFileOut env))
-- expectOut <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testExpectFileOut env)
-- actualStdout <- normalizeOutput norm_env <$> liftIO (readFileOrEmpty (testActualFileStdout env))
-- expectStdout <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testExpectFileStdout env)
-- actualStderr <- normalizeOutput norm_env <$> liftIO (readFileOrEmpty (testActualFileStderr env))
-- expectStderr <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testExpectFileStderr env)
[ (testActualFileOut env, testNormalizedActualFileOut env , testExpectFileOut env , testNormalizedExpectFileOut env)
, (testActualFileStdout env, testNormalizedActualFileStdout env, testExpectFileStdout env, testNormalizedExpectFileStdout env)
, (testActualFileStderr env, testNormalizedActualFileStderr env, testExpectFileStderr env, testNormalizedExpectFileStderr env)
] $ \(actualFile, actualFileNormalized, expectFile, expectFileNormalized) -> do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist expectFile
liftIO $ print (expectFile, exists)
[Out, Stdout, Stderr] `forM_` \fd -> do
exists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist $ testFile NotNormalized Expect fd env
when exists $ do
actualOut <- normalizeOutput norm_env <$> liftIO (readFileOrEmpty actualFile)
expectOut <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty expectFile
testDiff actualOut actualFileNormalized expectOut expectFileNormalized
actual <- normalizeOutput norm_env <$> liftIO (readFileOrEmpty (testFile NotNormalized Actual fd env))
expect <- liftIO $ readFileOrEmpty (testFile NotNormalized Expect fd env)
when (words actual /= words expect) $ do
-- First try whitespace insensitive diff
actualFile = testFile Normalized Actual fd env
expectFile = testFile Normalized Expect fd env
liftIO $ do
writeFile expectFile actual
writeFile actualFile expect
putStrLn "Actual output differs from expected:"
b <- diff ["-uw"] expectFile actualFile
unless b . void $ diff ["-u"] expectFile actualFile
liftIO $
if accept
then do
putStrLn "Accepting new output."
writeFileNoCR (testFile NotNormalized Expect Stdout env) actual
else exitWith (ExitFailure 1)

readFileOrEmpty :: FilePath -> IO String
readFileOrEmpty f = readFile f `E.catch` \e ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -612,66 +603,23 @@ testCabalDir env = testHomeDir env </> ".cabal"
testUserCabalConfigFile :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testUserCabalConfigFile env = testCabalDir env </> "config"

-- data Expected = Expected | Actual
-- data Normalized = Normalized | NotNormalized
-- data FileDescriptor = Out | Stdout | Stderr

-- testFile :: Expected -> Normalized -> FileDescriptor -> TestEnv -> FilePath
-- testFile e n f env = sourceDir </> testName env <.> suffix
-- where
-- suffix
-- = case e of { Expected -> "comp" ; Actual -> "" }
-- <.> case f of { Out -> "out" ; Stdout -> "stdout" ; Stderr -> "stderr" }
-- <.> case n of { Normalized -> "normalized" ; NotNormalized -> "" }
-- sourceDir = case (e, n) of
-- (_, Normalized) -> testWorkDir env
-- (Actual, _) -> testWorkDir env
-- _ -> testSourceDir env

-- | The file where the expected output of the test lives
testExpectFileOut :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testExpectFileOut env = testSourceDir env </> testName env <.> "out"

-- | Where we store the actual output
testActualFileOut :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testActualFileOut env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "comp.out"

-- | The file where the expected output of the test lives
testExpectFileStdout :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testExpectFileStdout env = testSourceDir env </> testName env <.> "stdout"

-- | Where we store the actual output
testActualFileStdout :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testActualFileStdout env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "comp.stdout"

-- | The file where the expected output of the test lives
testExpectFileStderr :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testExpectFileStderr env = testSourceDir env </> testName env <.> "stderr"

-- | Where we store the actual errput
testActualFileStderr :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testActualFileStderr env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "comp.stderr"

-- | Where we will write the normalized actual file (for diffing)
testNormalizedActualFileOut :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedActualFileOut env = testActualFileOut env <.> "normalized"

-- | Where we will write the normalized expected file (for diffing)
testNormalizedExpectFileOut :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedExpectFileOut env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "out.normalized"

-- | Where we will write the normalized actual file (for diffing)
testNormalizedActualFileStdout :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedActualFileStdout env = testActualFileStdout env <.> "normalized"

-- | Where we will write the normalized expected file (for diffing)
testNormalizedExpectFileStdout :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedExpectFileStdout env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "stdout.normalized"

-- | Where we will write the normalized actual file (for diffing)
testNormalizedActualFileStderr :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedActualFileStderr env = testActualFileStderr env <.> "normalized"

-- | Where we will write the normalized expected file (for diffing)
testNormalizedExpectFileStderr :: TestEnv -> FilePath
testNormalizedExpectFileStderr env = testWorkDir env </> testName env <.> "stderr.normalized"
data Expected = Expect | Actual deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Bounded)
data Normalized = Normalized | NotNormalized deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Bounded)
data FileDescriptor = Out | Stdout | Stderr deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum, Read, Bounded)

testFile :: Normalized -> Expected -> FileDescriptor -> TestEnv -> FilePath
testFile n e f = \env -> sourceDir env </> testName env <.> suffix
= case e of { Expect -> "" ; Actual -> "comp" }
<.> case f of { Out -> "out" ; Stdout -> "stdout" ; Stderr -> "stderr" }
<.> case n of { Normalized -> "normalized" ; NotNormalized -> "" }
sourceDir env = case (e, n) of
(_, Normalized) -> testWorkDir env
(Actual, _) -> testWorkDir env
_ -> testSourceDir env
{-# INLINE testFile #-}

testActualFile :: FileDescriptor -> TestEnv -> FilePath
testActualFile fd env = testFile NotNormalized Actual fd env
{-# INLINE testActualFile #-}
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions cabal-testsuite/src/Test/Cabal/Prelude.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -598,7 +598,7 @@ recordHeader args = do
liftIO $ putStr str_header
liftIO $ C.appendFile (testWorkDir env </> "test.log") header
liftIO $ C.appendFile (testActualFileOut env) header
liftIO $ C.appendFile (testActualFile Out env) header

recordLog :: Result -> TestM ()
recordLog Result{resultOut, resultStdout, resultStderr, resultCommand} = do
Expand All @@ -619,9 +619,9 @@ recordLog Result{resultOut, resultStdout, resultStderr, resultCommand} = do
RecordAll -> unlines (lines txt)
RecordMarked -> getMarkedOutput txt
DoNotRecord -> ""
report (testActualFileOut env) resultOut
report (testActualFileStdout env) resultStdout
report (testActualFileStderr env) resultStderr
report (testActualFile Out env) resultOut
report (testActualFile Stdout env) resultStdout
report (testActualFile Stderr env) resultStderr

getMarkedOutput :: String -> String -- trailing newline
getMarkedOutput out = unlines (go (lines out) False)
Expand Down

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