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A Terraform module for provisioning and installing Consul Enterprise on Google Compute Engine as described in HashiCorp Validated Designs


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Consul Enterprise HVD on GCP GCE

Terraform module aligned with HashiCorp Validated Designs (HVD) to deploy Consul Enterprise on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using Compute Engine instances.


This module requires the following resources to already be deployed to a GCP project:

  • A VPC with a subnet in a region with 3+ zones
  • GCP Secret Manager secrets with the following contents:
    • Consul server agent certificate, PEM formatted and base64-encoded
    • Consul server agent private key, PEM formatted and base64-encoded
    • Root certificate of the agent's signing authority, PEM formatted and base64-encoded
    • Consul gossip encryption key
  • (Optional) A GCS bucket for backup snapshot storage


The examples/ubuntu-nlb-consul-primary directory contains a reference implementation of a root-level module sourcing this repository.


Suitable TLS certificates may be generated using the Consul CLI. See the Consul TLS page in the HashiCorp Developer Portal for more information.

The TLS certificate and private key data is expected to be provided via GCP Secret Manager secrets which contain PEM format x.509 certificates, further base64-encoded to eliminate newlines and special characters.

Adding a Consul license

The Consul Enterprise license format is already suitable for storage in GCP Secret Manager and should be added without modification.

ACL system

The ACL system will be automatically bootstrapped and configured with sane default policies for anonymous users, agent registration, and the snapshot agent.

ACL tokens are generated for the above policies, as well as the initial management token, and all are stored back to GCP Secret Manager for retrieval by the operator.

Gossip encryption

A Consul gossip encryption key may be generated using the consul keygen command. This command outputs the key material already base64 encoded, and may be added directly to Secret Manager without modification.


Additional documentation for customization and usage can be found in the docs folder.

Module support

This open source software is maintained by the HashiCorp Technical Field Organization, independently of our enterprise products. While our Support Engineering team provides dedicated support for our enterprise offerings, this open source software is not included.

  • For help using this open source software, please engage your account team.
  • To report bugs/issues with this open source software, please open them directly against this code repository using the GitHub issues feature.

Please note that there is no official Service Level Agreement (SLA) for support of this software as a HashiCorp customer. This software falls under the definition of Community Software/Versions in your Agreement. We appreciate your understanding and collaboration in improving our open source projects.


Name Version
google ~> 5.33


Name Version
google ~> 5.33


Name Type
google_compute_firewall.allow_consul_health_checks resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_dns_tcp resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_dns_udp resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_gossip_tcp resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_gossip_udp resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_grpc_tls resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_https resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_iap resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_rpc resource
google_compute_firewall.allow_ssh resource
google_compute_forwarding_rule.consul_fr resource
google_compute_health_check.consul_auto_healing resource
google_compute_instance_template.consul resource
google_compute_region_backend_service.consul_bs resource
google_compute_region_health_check.consul_hc resource
google_compute_region_instance_group_manager.consul resource
google_project_iam_member.consul_iam resource
google_secret_manager_secret.agent_token resource
google_secret_manager_secret.management_token resource
google_secret_manager_secret.snapshot_token resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.instance_read resource
google_secret_manager_secret_iam_member.instance_write resource
google_service_account.consul_sa resource
google_storage_bucket_iam_member.snapshot_storage_rw resource data source
google_compute_subnetwork.subnetwork data source
google_compute_zones.available data source
google_netblock_ip_ranges.legacy data source data source


Name Description Type Default Required
consul_gossip_key_sm_secret_name Name of Secret Manager secret containing Consul gossip encryption key. string n/a yes
consul_license_sm_secret_name Name of Secret Manager secret containing Consul license. string n/a yes
consul_tls_ca_cert_sm_secret_name Name of Secret Manager containing Consul TLS CA certificate. string n/a yes
consul_tls_cert_sm_secret_name Name of Secret Manager containing Consul TLS certificate. string n/a yes
consul_tls_privkey_sm_secret_name Name of Secret Manager containing Consul TLS private key. string n/a yes
project_id (required) The project ID to host the cluster in (required) string n/a yes
region (optional) The region to host the cluster in string n/a yes
application_prefix (optional) The prefix to give to cloud entities string "consul" no
assign_public_ip Whether instances should be assigned a public address. If false, they must be provisioned in a subnet with Cloud NAT deployed. bool false no
auto_join_tag (optional) A list of a tag which will be used by Consul to join other nodes to the cluster. If left blank, the module will use the first entry in tags list(string) null no
cidr_ingress_agent_allow CIDR ranges to allow agent traffic (gossip, Consul RPC) inbound to Consul instance(s). Automatically includes the local subnet. list(string) [] no
cidr_ingress_dns_allow CIDR ranges to allow DNS traffic inbound to Consul instance(s). Automatically includes the local subnet. list(string) [] no
cidr_ingress_grpctls_allow CIDR ranges to allow gRPC-TLS (peering, dataplane) traffic inbound to Consul instance(s). Automatically includes the local subnet. list(string) [] no
cidr_ingress_https_allow CIDR ranges to allow HTTPS traffic inbound to Consul instance(s). list(string)
cidr_ingress_ssh_allow CIDR ranges to allow SSH traffic inbound to Consul instance(s). list(string)
common_labels (optional) Common labels to apply to GCP resources. map(string) {} no
compute_image_family (optional) The family name of the image,,defaults to Ubuntu string "ubuntu-2204-lts" no
compute_image_project (optional) The project name of the image,, defaults to Ubuntu string "ubuntu-os-cloud" no
consul_datacenter (optional) Consul datacenter name to configure string "dc1" no
consul_dir_bin Path to install Consul Enterprise binary string "/usr/local/bin" no
consul_dir_config Path to install Consul Enterprise configuration string "/etc/consul.d" no
consul_dir_home Path to hold data, plugins and license directories string "/opt/consul" no
consul_dir_logs Path to hold Consul file audit device logs string "/var/log/consul" no
consul_fqdn (optional) TLS servername to use when trying to connect to the cluster with HTTPS string null no
consul_group_name Name of group to own Consul files and processes string "consul" no
consul_install_version (optional) The version of Consul to use string "1.19.1+ent" no
consul_metadata_template (optional) Alternative template file to provide for instance template metadata script. place the file in your local ./templates folder no path required string "" no
consul_nodes (optional) The number of nodes to create in the pool number 6 no
consul_snapshot_dir_config Path to install Consul snapshot agent configuration string "/etc/consul-snapshot.d" no
consul_user_name Name of system user to own Consul files and processes string "consul" no
disk_size (optional) The disk size (GB) to use to create the disk number 100 no
disk_type (optional) The disk type to use to create the disk string "pd-ssd" no
enable_auto_healing (optional) Enable auto-healing on the Instance Group bool false no
enable_iap (Optional bool) Enable, defaults to true. bool true no
google_service_account_iam_roles (optional) List of project-level IAM roles to give to the Consul service account list(string)
health_check_interval (optional) How often, in seconds, to send a health check number 30 no
health_timeout (optional) How long, in seconds, to wait before claiming failure number 15 no
initial_auto_healing_delay (optional) The time, in seconds, that the managed instance group waits before it applies autohealing policies number 1200 no
load_balancing_scheme (optional) Type of load balancer to use (INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, or NONE) string "INTERNAL" no
machine_type (optional) The machine type to use for the Consul nodes string "e2-standard-2" no
metadata (optional) Metadata to add to the Compute Instance template map(string) null no
network (optional) The VPC network to host the cluster in string "default" no
network_project_id (optional) The project that the VPC network lives in. Can be left blank if network is in the same project as provider string null no
network_region (optional) The region that the VPC network lives in. Can be left blank if network is in the same region as provider string null no
packer_image (optional) The packer image to use string null no
snapshot_agent Manage configuration of the Consul snapshot agent
enabled = bool
storage_bucket_name = optional(string)
grant_iam_roles = optional(bool, true)
interval = optional(string, "30m")
retention = optional(number, 336) # 1 week @ 30m interval
"enabled": false,
"grant_iam_roles": false
subnetwork (optional) The subnet in the VPC network to host the cluster in string "default" no
systemd_dir Path to systemd directory for unit files string "/etc/systemd/system" no
tags (optional) A list containing tags to assign to all resources list(string)


Name Description
consul_service_account Member-format ID of the Consul server service account.
loadbalancer_ip The external ip address of the forwarding rule.


A Terraform module for provisioning and installing Consul Enterprise on Google Compute Engine as described in HashiCorp Validated Designs



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