A collection of custom Gradle plugins...
This plugin will scan and adapt all your sourcefiles to include your LICENSE in the header of the file.
By default it will scan and license files with the following extensions:
- scala
- java
- groovy
- properties
In your build.gradle file add:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'nl.javadude.gradle.plugins:license-gradle-plugin:0.4'
apply plugin: 'license'
This will add three tasks to your project:
- license : applies the license found in the LICENSE file
- licenseClean : removes the license found in the LICENSE file
- licenseWarn : prints files not containing the license and cause the build to fail.
Besides the default recognized file types, you can configure the task to recognize other ones.
registerLicense('txt', licenseFormat('#'))
registerLicense('js', licenseFormat('/*', ' *', ' */'))
This will register the '.txt' and '.js' files to have a license. For '*.txt' files this will look like
# license line 1
# license line 2
And for '*.js' files it will be:
* license line 1
* license line 2
In your build.gradle file add the following configuration:
licenseFiles {
from 'src'
include "main/java/**"
include "main/resources/*.properties"
exclude "**/Licensed.java"