- Rank : 15
- Score : 0.96096
- Rank : 16
- Score : 0.96096
Competition hosted on Machinehack
Build machine learning model to predict the character of each image..
You can download the dataset here
- Basic image meta data analysis
- Image similarity analysis
- cv2
- Image
- numpy
- seaborn
- matplotlib
- pandas
The train dataset contains miss labeled images, the incorrectly labeled images are identified by using ,
- Simple pytorch convolutional neural network
- Skorch - Scikit-Learn compatible neural network library
- Cleanlab - No code library to fix the errors in dataset
The simple CNN model run 4 iterations(50 epochs/iteration) and cross-validated on 10-kfold split train dataset.In each iteration, the actual label and the predicted probability for the labels are compared by using the find_label_issue function from cleanlab tool.Then, based on the self-confidence level the miss labeled images are collected.