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alphaville edited this page Sep 14, 2010 · 2 revisions
About DeciBell

DeciBell is an open source tool developed to tackle in a uniform and structured way the problem of Java and SQL cooperation. In DeciBell, Java classes are related to relational database entities automatically and in a transparent way as far as the background operations are concerned. So, on the one hand, non-expert users can work on Java code exclusively while an expert one will be able to focus on more algorithmic aspects of the problem he/she tries to solve rather than with trivial database management issues.

In contrast to the existing ORM programs, DeciBell does not require any configuration files or composite query structures, but only a proper annotation of certain fields of the classes. This annotation is carried out by means of the Java Annotations which is a modern trend in Java programming. Among its supported features, DeciBell supports primary keys (single and multiple), foreign keys, constraints, one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relations. Finally DeciBell translates the hierarchical relationships between Java objects into table structure.

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