PDF to HTML converter with PHP using tools, like poppler-utils. Currently only supported poppler-utils.
PdfToHtml from package poppler-utils always executing with next flags:
# single file-i
# without images-noframes
# without iframe
When you are in your active directory apps, you can just run this command to add this package on your app
composer req wbrframe/pdf-to-html
- Poppler-Utils (if you are using Ubuntu Distro, just install it from apt )
sudo apt-get install poppler-utils
In this example HTML file will be created in system temporary folder with in subfolder output
a random name.
Example: /tmp/output/5e8671ec8e0283.34152860.html
use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\ConverterFactory;
// if you are using composer, just use this
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
// initiate
$converterFactory = new ConverterFactory('test.pdf');
$converter = $converterFactory->createPdfToHtml();
$html = $converter->createHtml();
// Get absolute path created HTML file
$htmlFilePath = $html->getFilePath();
// or get Crawler (symfony/dom-crawler)
$crawler = $html->createCrawler();
You can change some options like is outputFolder
, outputFilePath
and binPath
, where an option outputFolder
is folder were HTML will be created,
is absolute path for HTML file that you want to create, binPath
is path to pdftohtml
NOTE: If outputFilePath
is specified, option an outputFolder
is was be missed.
use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\ConverterFactory;
use Wbrframe\PdfToHtml\Converter\PopplerUtils\PdfToHtmlOptions;
// if you are using composer, just use this
include 'vendor/autoload.php';
$converterFactory = new ConverterFactory('test.pdf');
$options = (new PdfToHtmlOptions())
$converter = $converterFactory->createPdfToHtml($options);
$html = $converter->createHtml();