The purpose of this app is to solve the common problem which a student (living in hostel) in College/University faces. The features that are included in the app are:
- sharing: have something to share or need something (such as notes, books, games, or anything), this is the place for it.
- broadcast: transmits local message to specific group/batch/year or to all students.
- brag: share reviews (about website or courses) or your achivements.
- newsfeed: all the local news over here.
- To use this app, the use must login with his/her University account. (We'll be using firebase for that).
- There is
navigation drawer
so as to navigate between different features. - From the
the user can add his post (such as sharing or add brag). - Few specific users will be granted access to
message either to batch or everyone. These specific users will be decided by the maintainer of the app. Howerver, a user can ask for permission by giving valid reasons.