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  1. be-my-translator be-my-translator Public

    Description: Like "Be My Eyes" but for translators

    JavaScript 3 1

  2. migree migree Public

    Migree - Connecting refugees with swedes based on their work experiences.

    C# 2 1

  3. refugee-phone-installation refugee-phone-installation Public

    This is an app that should come pre-installed on all Refugee phones. It gives the user a list of good resources that are useful for them when first arriving to Sweden. These can be things such as a…

    Java 1

  4. pictalk pictalk Public

    An app for communicating across languages with the aid of pictures.

    JavaScript 1 1

  5. helping-occasionally helping-occasionally Public

    A lot of churches, organisations and others have opened up short transit homes, are handing out food and clothes to refugees or are helping out in other ways. They mostly rely on volunteers to help…

    JavaScript 1

  6. blending-matching blending-matching Public

    Blending allows families to connect and share experiences. By matching families that have recently arrived in Sweden with families who have lived here for a long time, we hope to enrich the lives o…

    Ruby 1


Showing 10 of 22 repositories
  • migree Public

    Migree - Connecting refugees with swedes based on their work experiences.

    C# 2 1 0 0 Updated Jun 14, 2017
  • CSS 0 0 0 0 Updated May 24, 2016
  • pictalk Public

    An app for communicating across languages with the aid of pictures.

    JavaScript 1 1 0 0 Updated Mar 31, 2016
  • bulk-giving Public

    App for organizations to list things they need to bulk and for individuals to see what they can provide.

    JavaScript 1 MIT 1 14 0 Updated Mar 10, 2016
  • be-my-translator Public

    Description: Like "Be My Eyes" but for translators

    JavaScript 3 1 0 0 Updated Dec 26, 2015
  • language-teachers Public

    Swedish Lectures is a web service for refugees looking for lectures in Swedish. The web application is a platform where teaching volonteers and organizations can advertise for lectures, and students (refugees) can browse and join lectures in their vicinity.

    JavaScript 0 GPL-2.0 0 0 0 Updated Dec 19, 2015
  • refugee-phone-installation Public

    This is an app that should come pre-installed on all Refugee phones. It gives the user a list of good resources that are useful for them when first arriving to Sweden. These can be things such as a facebook-page, a youtube-video or a another app that can help them. It also have a news segment that is linked to so that they can …

    Java 1 0 2 0 Updated Dec 17, 2015
  • helping-occasionally Public

    A lot of churches, organisations and others have opened up short transit homes, are handing out food and clothes to refugees or are helping out in other ways. They mostly rely on volunteers to help. However, some organisations have an abundance of volunteers whereas others are finding it hard to find enough people to help. A lot of people want t…

    JavaScript 1 0 12 0 Updated Dec 8, 2015
  • blending-matching Public

    Blending allows families to connect and share experiences. By matching families that have recently arrived in Sweden with families who have lived here for a long time, we hope to enrich the lives of all involved.

    Ruby 1 0 0 0 Updated Dec 7, 2015
  • food-from-swedish-groceries Public

    At asylum living places the crew want to be able to cook the food that the refugees want. However, they don't know how to do it with Swedish groceries.

    JavaScript 1 0 0 0 Updated Dec 7, 2015