This project consists of a coding challenge for the Full Stack Developer role at Greple.
The aim of this test is to evaluate the following aspects:
- coding abilities
- technical experience
- solution design
Write a simple web application that retrieves and displays the user repositories, gists and organizations in Github
Include an input to enter the username, one area to display the repositories, gists and organizations of the user.
- To retrieve the user details, follow the steps from here
- To retrieve the user gists, follow the steps from here
- To retrieve the user organizations, follow the steps from here
- Please use JavaScript or TypeScript, NodeJS, ExpressJS, and React for the challenge
- Upload your test results on a public code repository hosted on either Github or Gitlab
- Build docker image for your code, push it to a public registry
- Share your docker image with instruction on how to run it
- Share your github repository URL with us
- Use TypeScript
- Error handling
- Having a nice UI using a components library (Bootstrap, Material UI)
- Divide the application in different pages and use a router
- Nice to have cosmetic features are welcome
- Show common tools used for you daily development environment (linters, code formatter, git workflow, docker and so on)
- Unit tests and integration tests are of course welcome but not necessary
- Build and deploy your solution on either AWS, Heroku or Netlify are of course welcome but not necessary