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🎨 A runtime util can change the color of Lottie ani in single frame


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LottiePalette is a runtime util which can change the color of Lottie ani in single frame, it only support SVG renderer.

Demo:Lottie Palette Viewer


# npm
npm install lottie-palette
# yarn
yarn add lottie-palette
# cdn
<script src="[email protected]/dist/lottie-palette.js"></script>

or just include the compiled file to your page:

<script src="./lottie-palette.js"></script>


⚠️ PS:LottiePalette is not include Lottie, please import Lottie additionally.

import Lottie from 'lottie-web/build/player/lottie_svg'
import LottiePalette from 'lottie-palette'

let lp = null

const lottie = Lottie.loadAnimation({
  container: document.getElementById('#lottie-wrapper'),
  renderer: 'svg',
  loop: true,
  autoplay: true,
  rendererSettings: {
    progressiveLoad: false // 2 make sure paths were loaded after DOMLoaded event

lottie.addEventListener('DOMLoaded', () => {
  lp = new LottiePalette(document.getElementById('#lottie-wrapper'))
  // Instance will generate a color map

// You can change the black color paths 2 white via this:
lp.updateColor('rgb(0, 0, 0)', '#fff', true)
// or
lp.updateColor('#000', 'rgb(255, 255, 255)', true)

⚠️ PS:

  1. If you want 2 update the color of the same elements (which have same color) multiple times, make sure that the first parameter of updateColor() is the inital color (when LottiePalette is instantiated or update map), if you want to refresh the color map, execute the updateMaps() function.
  2. Instantiating LottiePalette in DOMLoaded event perform well at most cases. In case the color is missing, (for example, the color of the ani is dynamical), please manage the initialization of LottiePalette or just use updateMaps().


Method Description Arguments Returns
[[Constructor]] the Constructor of LottiePalette $element:Element SVG Element 2 init
updateColor update single color key:String initial color(accept rgb, hex format) value:String new color value isUpdateGrad: Boolean update gradient or not
updateLinearGrads update linear gradient(recommand 2 use updateColor) key:String initial gradient lottie-palette-id value:String new gradient lottie-palette-id
updateLinearGradColor update single color of linear gradient key:String initial color(accept rgb, hex format) value:String new color value
getInitColors get all initial colors :Array, foramt: rgb
getInitLinearGrads get all initial linear gradient type:String the format of array's item ('css' 'id') , default: 'css'
updateMaps update color map


🎨 A runtime util can change the color of Lottie ani in single frame







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