An open source program for controlling the MiniPRO TL866xx series of chip programmers
- Compatibility with Minipro TL866CS and Minipro TL866A from Autoelectric (
- More than 13000 target devices (including AVRs, PICs, various BIOSes and EEPROMs)
- ZIF40 socket and ISP support
- Vendor-specific MCU configuration bits
- Chip ID verification
- Overcurrent protection
- System testing
$ minipro -p ATMEGA48 -w atmega48.bin
$ minipro -p ATMEGA48 -r atmega48.bin
You'll need some sort of Linux or MacOS machine. Other Unices may work, though that is untested. You will need version 1.0.16 or greater of libusb.
sudo apt-get install build-essential pkg-config git libusb-1.0-0-dev
sudo yum install gcc make pkgconfig git libusbx-devel
git clone
cd minipro
sudo make install
If you want to access the programmer as a regular user, you'll have to configure udev to recognize the programmer and set appropriate access permissions.
sudo cp udev/debian/60-minipro.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm trigger
You'll also have to add your regular user to the plugdev
sudo usermod -a -G plugdev YOUR-USER
Note that this change will only become effective after your next login.
sudo cp udev/centos7/80-minipro.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules
The CentOS rules file currently make the programmer device writable for all users.
Bash users may want to optionally install the provided completion file:
sudo cp bash_completion.d/minipro /etc/bash_completion.d/
Building a Debian package directly from this repository is easy. Make sure you have the build dependencies installed as described above. Be sure it all builds, then do this:
sudo apt-get install fakeroot debhelper dpkg-dev
fakeroot dpkg-buildpackage -b -us -uc
You should then have a .deb package for you to install with dpkg -i
Note that the .deb package will already provide the udev and
bash-completion configurations for you.
You can build RPM packages for Fedora and CentOS with the supplied minipro.spec.
First make sure you have a RPM build environment set up. You need to have
the rpmdevtools package installed and a rpmbuild
directory tree within
your homedir. Use the rpmdev-setuptree
command to create the rpmbuild
directory tree if it does not exist yet.
Since minipro does not yet make official releases with version numbers
and tags, you have to choose a specific git commit to build. Open the
minipro.spec file and adapt the "commit" and "commitdate" definitions.
You can get these either with git log
or from the github project page.
Then use these commands to download the source tarballs from github and build the package:
spectool -g -R minipro.spec
rpmbuild -ba minipro.spec
The final RPMs can be found below ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/
Install libusb
using brew or MacPorts:
brew install libusb
brew link libusb
port install libusb
Compile using macOS Makefile:
make -f Makefile.macOS
sudo make install