This micro service is responsible for keeping the data of people and organizations. It is understood organizations such as companies, entities or groups of people that have some link.
To run this micro service you must have a mongodb database previously installed and configured
npm run start
Create new Person
Create new person.
URL POST /people
Data Params
{ "name":"Fulano Silva", "docNumber":"1010101", "phoneNumber":"99999999", "email":"[email protected]", "address":{ "street":"xpto", "number":"40", "zip":"79400000", "city":"Coxim", "district":"Centro", "state":"Mato Grosso do Sul" } }
Success Response
Code: 200
Content:{ "address": { "street": "xpto", "number": "40", "zip": "79400000", "city": "Coxim", "district": "Centro", "state": "Mato Grosso do Sul" }, "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a", "name": "Fulano Silva", "docNumber": "1010101", "phoneNumber": "99999999", "email": "[email protected]", "createdAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "__v": 0 }
Update Person
Use this service if you want update person data
URL PUT /people/:id
Path Params
Replace :id by id of a personEx.: /people/5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a
Data Params
{ "_id":"5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a", "name":"Fulano Silva", "docNumber":"1010101", "phoneNumber":"99999999", "email":"[email protected]", "address":{ "street":"ypto", "number":"50", "zip":"88800000", "city":"Campinas", "district":"Centro", "state":"São Paulo" } }
Success Response
Code: 200
Content:{ "address":{ "street":"ypto", "number":"50", "zip":"88800000", "city":"Campinas", "district":"Centro", "state":"São Paulo" }, "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a", "name": "Fulano Silva", "docNumber": "1010101", "phoneNumber": "99999999", "email": "[email protected]", "createdAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "__v": 0 }
Create new Organization
Create new organization to agroup work members.
URL POST /organizations
Data Params
{ "name": "Codate", "docNumber": "123456" }
Success Response
Code: 200
Content:{ "_id": "5bbe520dc1c10a24c4b71e69", "name": "Codate", "docNumber": "123456", "members": [], "createdAt": "2018-10-10T19:25:01.752Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-10T19:25:01.752Z", "__v": 0 }
Register Members on Organization
Register people as members on a organization.
URL POST /organizations/:id/members
Path Params
Replace :id by organization id.Ex.: /organizations/5bbe520dc1c10a24c4b71e69/members
Data Params
[ { "person": { "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a" }, "roles": ["Administrator", "Tester"] } ]
It is possible to register more than one member, just separate them by comma.
[ { "person": { "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a" }, "roles": ["Administrator", "Tester"] }, { "person": { "_id": "5bbce640a588e463967fe2a1" }, "roles": ["Owner", "Administrator"] } ]
Success Response:
Code: 200
Content:{ "n": 1, "nModified": 1, "ok": 1 }
Get Organization Members
Get a array with all members of a organization.
URL GET /organizations/:id/members
Path Params
Replace :id by organization id.Ex.: /organizations/5bbe520dc1c10a24c4b71e69/members
Success Response:
- Code: 200
[ { "_id": "5bbe5d97c1c10a24c4b71e6b", "roles": [ "Administrator", "Tester" ], "person": { "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a", "address": { "street": "xpto", "number": "40", "zip": "79400000", "city": "Coxim", "district": "Centro", "state": "Mato Grosso do Sul" }, "name": "Fulano Silva", "docNumber": "1010101", "phoneNumber": "99999999", "email": "[email protected]", "createdAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-10T19:37:02.804Z", "__v": 0 } }, { "_id": "5bbe616fc1c10a24c4b71e6d", "roles": [ "Owner", "Administrator" ], "person": { "_id": "5bbce640a588e463967fe2a1", "address": { "street": "Ypto", "number": "30", "zip": "79500001", "city": "Coxim", "district": "Centro", "state": "Mato Grosso do Sul" }, "name": "Bob Beltrano", "docNumber": "1674782", "phoneNumber": "999027276", "email": "[email protected]", "createdAt": "2018-10-09T17:32:48.529Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-09T17:32:48.529Z", "__v": 0 } } ]
- Code: 200
Get Person Organizations
Get a array with all organizations that a specific person is member.
URL GET /people/:id/organization
Path Params
Replace :id by id of a personEx.: /people/5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a/organizations
Success Response:
- Code: 200
[ { "_id": "5bbe520dc1c10a24c4b71e69", "name": "Codate", "docNumber": "123456", "members": [ { "roles": [ "Administrator", "Tester" ], "_id": "5bbe5d97c1c10a24c4b71e6b", "person": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a" }, { "roles": [ "Owner", "Administrator" ], "_id": "5bbe616fc1c10a24c4b71e6d", "person": "5bbce640a588e463967fe2a1" } ], "createdAt": "2018-10-10T19:25:01.752Z", "updatedAt": "2018-10-10T19:25:01.752Z", "__v": 0 } ]
- Code: 200
Update a Member
Use this service if you want update member data. This service is useful if you want to change roles of a member.
URL PUT /organizations/:id/members
Path Params
Replace :id by id of a organizationEx.: /organizations/5bbce5a4a588e463967fe29f/members
Data Params
{ "person": { "_id": "5bbe54dec1c10a24c4b71e6a" }, "roles": ["Administrator", "Tester","Owner"] }