is a website for talk proposals, either to your own conference or lightning talks. Users can post talk proposals and they can be voted and commented by the users.
You must set the following environment variables for the system to fully work:
Install gems with bundle
$ bundle install
Then create file $RAILS_ROOT/.env
file with the following content:
TWITTER_ACCESS=<your twitter access key>
TWITTER_SECRET=<your twitter secret key>
FACEBOOK_ACCESS=<your facebook access key>
FACEBOOK_KEY=<your facebook api key>
Then config database
$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml
$ bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate db:test:prepare
Then start the server with the following command:
$ foreman start -f Procfile.development
That's it! Just go to http://localhost:3000.
To contribute to call4paperz, submit a pull request (preferably in a feature branch), with tests if possible. If you have any doubts, just bug valeriano.
Also, please make feature branches. For instance, if you add a new feature, create a feature branch called "my-awesome-feature". That helps reviewing pull requests, specially if you have unrelated commits.
Maintenance is done by valeriano. Before was bravely maintained by vinibaggio.
- Anderson Leite (no longer active)
- Douglas Campos (no longer active)
- Vinicius Baggio Fuentes, vinibaggio
call4paperz uses the MIT license. Please check the LICENSE file for more details.