This design allows to generate a unique baffle silencer exactly fitting your gun/rifle:
- with external tube or not (like carbon fiber tube)
- with an "over the barrel" tube or not
- fully tunable: number/size/progressiveness of baffles
- easy cleaning - two parts
- all caliber compatible
- all metric ou unf threads
- 2 printing modes (depending on your printer efficiency)
Baffle design is up to you and you can tweak it: Angle, Volume, Number, Progressivity.
If you are using a brim for adhesion, the internal curves will be painfull to clean, I added a nice option (silencer_brim_close) which allows to use Cura "Brim > Only on the outside".
I use ABS filament, 100% infill, no support!, an Ultimaker 2.
The thread output from the printer (even in mode=1, printed flat) is pretty good if your printer is efficient. Tapping the thread is of course the best way to produce a clean path after print.
You need openscad and a text editor.
Simply install your distribution packages: openscad, curl, make
Clone the repository:
# git clone --recursive
Retrieve dependancies - if you did not use git '--recurvive' previously:
# cd gun-silencer
# cd libs
# make
# cd ..
Run openscad with the local libs directory.
OPENSCADPATH=`pwd`/libs openscad ./silencer.scad
Edit scad file (see section "Files" below)
Generate your STLs and print !
Should be simple but... I don't have Microsoft Windows. OpenSCAD is available. It should work perfectly.
Same as Windows.
defines the mode, the part to work on and include the configuration file.
/* Processing options */
silencer_mode = 1; /*
1 = two parts (if your 3d printer is efficient)
2 = three parts to print (threaded part printed vertically)
silencer_part = 0; /*
0 = demo parts
1 = first part
2 = second part
in mode=2, the two sides are the same.
/* Configuration of the silencer : Millimeters */
//include <conf/20UN12-180-28_30_WL.scad>;
//include <conf/20UN12-160-51.scad>;
include <conf/20UN12-160-28_30_NL.scad>;
/* Configuration of the silencer : Millimeters */
silencer_len = 150; /* printed part length */
silencer_struct_thickness = 1.2; /* Global structure thickness */
/* The tube : provided or printed (part=3) */
silencer_tube_int_dia = 48; /* tube internal diameter */
silencer_tube_ext_dia = 50; /* tube external diameter. Can be equal to int_dia */
silencer_tube_barrel_dia = 28;
silencer_tube_barrel_rounded = 0.1; /* Active for silencer_tube_barrel_dia < silencer_tube_int_dia
Defines the rounded part between barrel_dia and tube_int_dia.
0 = not rounded.
0.x ... elliptic
1 = circle
silencer_foam_thickness = 6; /* foam or air chamber between the tube and this part
0 : for straight tube.
>0 : activates the lips part.
/* Thread */
silencer_thread_len = 12; /* threaded part of the rifle */
silencer_thread_type = "20-UN-1/2"; /* Listed in libs/threadlib/THREAD_TABLE.scad */
silencer_thread_scale2fit = 1.0; /* x/y scale ratio to fit >=1.0, 1.003 for 3% tolerance */
/* Caliber */
silencer_caliber = 7.8; /* Add a margin here, ~ 1.5mm */
/* Lips: support between tube_int and monocore baffles */
silencer_lips_number = 2; /* External lips in contact with the tube.
0 for no lips at all (no external lip flush with tube_ext_dia) */
silencer_lips_thickness = 5.0; /* Thickness */
silencer_lips_rounded = 1; /* Are they rounded, and how much.. */
silencer_lips_fn = $fn; /* Number of faces for the lip cylinder. Can be = $fn */
silencer_lips_groove = 2.1; /* Add a groove for an o-ring on each lip: this is the thickness
of the o-ring.
If you activate it (>0), the lips diameter are reduced by
1mm to let the o-ring have a nice compression.
/* Baffles */
silencer_baffle_decal = 20.0; /* attack angle */
silencer_baffle_start = 15.0; /* Start of the baffles, must be > silencer_thread_len */
silencer_baffle_size = 1.80; /* Ratio on caliber */
silencer_baffle_concentric = 4; /* concentric reduction:
(3 means baffles: 3*size,2*size,1*size,1*size,...) */
silencer_baffle_open = 70; /* Opening angle of the baffle (works with foam and lips)
0 for closed baffle
silencer_pins_dia = 1.6; /* Pins diameter: 0 to disable */
/* Printing helper */
silencer_brim_close = 0.4; /* Integrate structure closing to allow the printing option:
"Brim > Only on Outside".
It saves you from the painful process of removing the brim
from the baffles.
/* / End of Configuration */