DirCleaner is a simple-to-use utility to automatically remove stale or temporary files from specified directories
in order to use DirCleaner put the following into your config.exs:
config :dir_cleaner, DirCleaner,
# set the paths of the directories where you want stale files removed,
# defaults to []
directories: ["/tmp/dir1", "/tmp/dir2"],
# optional - sets the interval on how often dir_cleaner looks
# for files older than max_age and removes them.
# defaults to 10 minutes
# value has to be given in milliseconds
interval: :timer.minutes(5),
# optional - sets the max age value of the files,
# defaults to 10 minutes
# value has to be given in milliseconds
max_age: :timer.minutes(5)
These values are used at compile time. That means that if you change these values and recompile mix will complain during (re)compilation.
You can overcome the mix compile warning by issuing
mix deps.compile dir_cleaner --force
If available in Hex, the package can be installed
by adding dir_cleaner
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:dir_cleaner, "~> 0.1.0"}