Cross platform async http-server for Chez Scheme
How fast? (test on single thread)
(MacBook Pro Retina, High Sierra 10.13.3, Mid 2014 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3)
Chez Scheme run with the --script option and don't compile scheme code
Igropyr : Node
Scheme + ChezScheme + libuv : Javascript + V8 + libuv
Ballista : Webframework raven install ballista
(Express style)
Catapult : Webframework raven install catapult
(purely functional)
Core : commonly used small functions raven install core
JSON library raven install json
JWT Json Web Token raven install jwt
mySQL bingding raven install mysql
Liber : HTML Template raven install liber
connections limite