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Macsim Userguide


This documentation explains how you can run various GPU workloads on Macsim. Macsim is a trace based cycle-level GPGPU simulator developed by HPArch.

Please feel free to ask questions or point out wrong information to me.

Author: Euijun Chung ([email protected])

Table of Contents

Macsim Installation & Usage




Installing Macsim is as easy as it gets. Just run the following commands:

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd macsim
$ git switch nvbit
$ ./ --ramulator -j32

If you want to save time and can access rover, just copy it from my directory.

$ cd dst/to/your/directory
$ cp /fast_data/echung67/macsim/bin/macsim .
$ cp /fast_data/echung67/macsim/bin/ .
$ cp /fast_data/echung67/macsim/bin/trace_file_list .

Note that you need three input files:

  • macsim: binary executable,
  • GPU configuration, and
  • trace_file_list: list of paths to GPU traces

to run the Macsim simulation. All these three files should be in the same directory to run Macsim.

Downloading Traces

pip install gdown
gdown -O macsim_traces.tar.gz 1rpAgIMGJnrnXwDSiaM3S7hBysFoVhyO1
tar -xzf macsim_traces.tar.gz
rm macsim_traces.tar.gz


1. Setup the Trace Path

Open trace_file_list and leave 1 on the first line. Change the second line to the path of the trace that you want to run.

An example of trace_file_list would look like this:


which is for running backprop benchmark of Rodinia Suite with 1024 configuration.

2. Setup the GPU configuration

Open file and put in some numbers for the GPU configuration. An example is at /fast_data/echung67/macsim/bin/, and I used this configuration for BNPL paper's evaluation.

3. Run!

Enter the following command and the simulation results will appear in the current directory.

$ ./macsim

For example, you can check the total number of cycles in general.stat.out file.

Scripts for running Macsim is a python script that I used to run multiple macsim simulations at the same time.


usage: python3

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --macsim MACSIM       Path to macsim executable
  --params PARAMS       Path to
  --result RESULT       Path to result directory (Default: ./run/)
  --overwrite           Overwrite the simulation results in the result directory
  --suite (benchmark name) 
                        Name of the benchmark suite (valid options: ['vector', 'rodinia', 'tango', 'fastertransformer'])


The following example will run vector and rodinia benchmark suite on macsim and save its results to ./run/ directory.

python3 --macsim="macsim/bin/macsim" --params="macsim/bin/" --suite vector rodinia --overwrite

See macsim_result.txt in the result directory for STDOUT and STDERR outputs during the simulation.

❗️ You should not change the name of the parameter file The macsim binary will try to find file in the same directory and use it as the GPU configuration.

List of available traces

This is the list of traces that you can access in rover machine. I will keep this updated. Suggested Configuration of each benchmark is the configuration that I used in the BNPL paper.

Full Traces

Benchmark suite Benchmark Working on Macsim? Trace Path Suggested Config Source Code
Vector vectoradd O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/vectoradd 65536 /fast_data/echung67/trace/source
vectormultadd O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/vectormultadd 65536 /fast_data/echung67/trace/source
Rodinia backprop O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/backprop 524288 /fast_data/echung67/gpu-rodinia/cuda
bfs O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/bfs graph256k
dwt2d O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/dwt2d 1024
euler3d X X X
gaussian O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/gaussian matrix128
heartwall X X X
hotspot O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/hotspot r512h2i2
lavaMD O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/lavaMD 10
lud_cuda O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/lud_cuda 64
needle O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/needle 64
nn O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/nn 8192k
particlefilter_float O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/particlefilter_float 10
particlefilter_naive O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/particlefilter_naive 1000
pathfinder O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/pathfinder 100
sc_gpu O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/sc_gpu 10-20-16-64-16-100
srad_v1 O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/srad_v1 10
srad_v2 O /fast_data/echung67/trace/nvbit/srad_v2 10
Tango AlexNet O /fast_data/echung67/trace_tango/nvbit/AlexNet default /fast_data/echung67/Tango/GPU
CifarNet O /fast_data/echung67/trace_tango/nvbit/CifarNet default
GRU O /fast_data/echung67/trace_tango/nvbit/GRU default
LSTM O /fast_data/echung67/trace_tango/nvbit/LSTM default
ResNet X X X
SqueezeNet X X X
FasterTransformer (early stopping) bert O /data/echung67/nvbit_trace_backup/trace_ft/nvbit/bert_example 20 /fast_data/echung67/FasterTransformer/examples/cpp/
decoding O /data/echung67/nvbit_trace_backup/trace_ft/nvbit/decoding_example 20
vit X X X
swin O /data/echung67/nvbit_trace_backup/trace_ft/nvbit/swin_example 20
wenet_decoder O /data/echung67/nvbit_trace_backup/trace_ft/nvbit/wenet_decoder_example 20
wenet_encoder O /data/echung67/nvbit_trace_backup/trace_ft/nvbit/wenet_encoder_example 20
xlnet X X X
Deepbench GEMM Training Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/gemm_train_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
GEMM Training Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/gemm_train_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
GEMM Inference Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/gemm_inf_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
GEMM Inference Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/gemm_inf_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
CNN Training Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/cnn_train_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
CNN Training Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/cnn_train_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
CNN Inference Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/cnn_inf_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
CNN Inference Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/cnn_inf_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
RNN Training Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/rnn_train_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
RNN Training Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/rnn_train_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
RNN Inference Float32 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/rnn_inf_float default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
RNN Inference Float16 O /data/echung67/trace_deep/nvbit/rnn_inf_half default /fast_data/echung67/DeepBench/code/nvidia_small/
Pytorch Resnet Training O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/resnet_train default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
Resnet Inference O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/resnet_inf default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
CNN Training O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/cnn_train default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
CNN Inference O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/cnn_inf default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
Bert-tiny O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/bert_tiny default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
Bert-mini O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/bert_mini default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
Bert-small O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/bert_small default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/
Bert-medium O /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/nvbit/bert_medium default /fast_data/echung67/trace_pytorch/source/

Sampled Traces

Benchmark suite Benchmark Working on Macsim? Trace Path Suggested Config Source Code
LLMs Bert-sampled O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/bert-sampled default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/bert_medium/
Bloom O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/bloom default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/
Gemma O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/gemma default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/
GPT2 O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/gpt2 default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/
OLMO 1Bit-Net O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/olmo-bitnet default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/
Vision Resnet50 inference O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/resnet50 default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/
Deit (Vision Transformer) O /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/nvbit/deit default /fast_data/echung67/trace_sampled/source/

Upcoming Plans

Benchmark suite Benchmark Working on Macsim? Trace Path Suggested Config
GraphBig - - - -
Gunrock - - - -
FasterTransformer (sampled) - - -
CUDA SDK example - - -
Parboil - - -
Cutlass - - -
Heteromark - - -
Polybench - - -
Crystal - - -
SOHC - - -

How to create your own trace

❗️Warning❗️ The trace generation tool for macsim is very unstable, so use at your own risk.


If you are working on rover, you can skip this step.

Please refer to this repository:


This tool works with any GPU programs including CUDA binaries and Tensorflow/Pytorch libraries. However, you should carefully choose the workload because even a very small workload can be too big for the tool to generate traces. For instance, training a very small CNN with a few iterations may fill hundreds of GBs and eventually blow up the storage of rover. This will impact other rover users so please use this tool wisely.

To generate traces, simply add a few lines to your original command. For instance, if you want to run python3, the following command will inject trace-generating instructions to the original workload and start generating Macsim traces. /fast_data/echung67/nvbit_release/tools/main/ is the path to the trace-generating tool that I wrote, so you can use it freely when you are using rover.

CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH=/fast_data/echung67/nvbit_release/tools/main/ python3

There are a few arguments that you can use:

  • INSTR_BEGIN: Beginning of the instruction interval on each kernel where to apply instrumentation. (default = 0)
  • INSTR_END: End of the instruction interval on each kernel where to apply instrumentation. (default = UINT32_MAX)
  • KERNEL_BEGIN: Beginning of the kernel interval where to generate traces. (default = 0)
  • KERNEL_END: End of the kernel interval where to generate traces. (default = UINT32_MAX)
  • TOOL_VERBOSE: Enable verbosity inside the tool. (default = 0)
  • TRACE_PATH: Path to trace file. (default = './')
  • COMPRESSOR_PATH: Path to the compressor binary file. (default = '/fast_data/echung67/nvbit_release/tools/main/compress')
  • DEBUG_TRACE: Generate human-readable debug traces together when this value is 1. (default = 0)
  • OVERWRITE: Overwrite the previously generated traces in TRACE_PATH directory when this value is 1. (default = 0)


$ CUDA_INJECTION64_PATH=/fast_data/echung67/nvbit_release/tools/main/ \

This command will generate traces for the first 5 CUDA kernels of the workload python3 Also, the tool will overwrite the previous traces and generate the debug traces as well.

Known Bugs

src/ ASSERT FAILED (I=19 C=13193): 0

When? FasterTransformer trace + too many number of cores (40+ cores)

Solution? Reduce the number of cores

src/ ASSERT FAILED (I=0 C=0): m_func_table.find(policy) != m_func_table.end()

When? file is missing (using wrong file name for

Solution? Don't use custom names for GPU config file, use

src/ ASSERT FAILED (I=0 C=0): error opening trace file: ...

When? When too many trace files are open at the same time

Solution? Add ulimit -n 16384 to your ~/.bashrc.

  • However, for traces that use more than 16384 files opened at the same time, it seems like there's no solution for this.. Any helps to solve this issue would be helpful!


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