Train&test Random Forest on each of the following 4 datasets**:
**.csv file download here:
HCRL provideS car-hacking datasets which include DoS attack, fuzzy attack, spoofing the drive gear, and spoofing the RPM gauge. Datasets were constructed by logging CAN traffic via the OBD-II port from a real vehicle while message injection attacks were performing. Datasets contain each 300 intrusions of message injection. Each intrusion performed for 3 to 5 seconds, and each dataset has total 30 to 40 minutes of the CAN traffic.
- DoS Attack : Injecting messages of ‘0000’ CAN ID every 0.3 milliseconds. ‘0000’ is the most dominant.
- Fuzzy Attack : Injecting messages of totally random CAN ID and DATA values every 0.5 milliseconds.
- Spoofing Attack (RPM/gear) : Injecting messages of certain CAN ID related to RPM/gear information every 1 millisecond.
- Timestamp : recorded time (s)
- CAN ID : identifier of CAN message in HEX (ex. 043f)
- DLC : number of data bytes, from 0 to 8
- DATA[0~7] : data value (byte)
- Flag : T or R, T represents injected message while R represents normal message
Concatenate the datasets ( file) with label update:
0-> normal run
1-> Dos attack
2-> Fuzzy attack
3-> Spoofing RPM attack
4-> Spoofing GEAR attack
- Build an IDS (Intrusion detection System) based on a multi-class classification with Random Forest. (
Results for the multi-class classification: