Common debugging/error/exception functions and template haskell versions that give file location information
> $(err "OH NO!")
main:Main main.hs:16:1 OH NO!
Notice how it displays package:module file:line:character It exposes the functions err (error), undef (undefined), and trc (Debug.Trace.trace). All of these behave the same as their normal counterpart but also spit out a location.
> $undef
main:Main test/main.hs:10:5 undefined
main: Prelude.undefined
2 other error functions are included- fromJst and fromRht.
> $fromJst Nothing
main:Main test/main.hs:27:4 fromJst: Nothing
I also included my favorite helper, debug, which is like trace but just show the value.
> debug [1,2,3]
DEBUG: [1,2,3]
There is a version without the DEBUG prefix called both strace and traceId.
And Here is the TH version of debug dbg
> $dbg [1,2,3]
DEBUG main:Main main.hs:1:3 [1,2,3]
Additionally there is a debugMsg and a TH function dbgMsg
can be used to add a message prefix:
> $(dbgMsg "the list") [1,2,3]
DEBUG main:Main main.hs:1:3 the list: [1,2,3]
Also there is debugM for stand-alone use in a monad. There is also functions ltrace and ltraceM (short for labeled trace)- it is like debug, but you tell it what string to print out instead of "DEBUG".
Also there is a version of thrwIO that gives location information. thrwsIO takes appends a string to the file locaiton information.
import Control.Exception.Base (Exception(..))
import Prelude hiding (catch)
import Control.Exception.Control (throwIO, catch)
data AException = AException String deriving (Show, Typeable)
instance Exception AException
($(thrwIO) AException) `catch` \e -> putStrLn ("Caught " ++ show (e :: AException))
Caught AException "main:Main test/main.hs:25:6"
Just added: reThrow
. It catches exceptions, stamps some file location information onto it, and re-throws the exception. Note that the file-location information is only for the reThrow usage site, it is still best to use thrwIO
if you control the creation of the exception.