Solution to create a Classification Graph using Cloud for Internet of Health Applications from Evilasio Junior Research
Download this full repository
To add new Datasets:
- Add the new Dataset in the Datasets directory
- Create code for preprocessing following the pattern of Dataset*.py files and Dataset*.py files
- Modify the updateGraph() method to use preprocessing data from the added dataset
- Python 3
- MySQL Server
- Flask
- TensorFLow 2.0
- Scikit Learn
Run the following command to run the flask Web API ( on server port 3000:
- flask run --host= --port=3000 &
Modify the file to read the correct endpoint of your web API (e.g., api_url_base = '<API address>:3000')
Run "python" to run the server constant process or "python" to test the web API
Informs the API that the graph must be updated:
- <API address>:3000/UpdateGraphRequest/2
Download the last updated complete graph:
- <API address>:3000/GraphRequest
Download the last generated optimized graph:
- <API address>:3000/OptimizeGraphRequest/download.xml
Request for optimization and download of the graph optimized by the application:
- <API address>:3000/OptimizeGraphRequest/<All types of sensors used by the application separated by an underscore> or
- <API address>:3000/OptimizeGraphRequest/<All types of sensors used by the application separated by an underscore>/<Threshold probability>
Request to download the trained models:
- <API address>:3000/OptimizeGraphRequest/saved_model/<Model Name>
Note: We suggest downloading the complete graph first to identify which models are trained and the types of sensors it uses. The complete Graph can also guide decision-making in the requirements elicitation and application design phases.