v1.2 (2021-12-21)
- [Feature] [manager] Added graph name task menu button
- [Feature] [manager] Added graph version task menu button
- [Feature] [utility] New algorithm TrajectoryToPoints Converter
- [Feature] [utility] New parameter routing_mode in mapmatching algorithm
- [Feature] [utility] optionally add header attributes in trajectoryToPoints alg
- [Feature] [graph data] Automatically detect graph type at downloadGraphVersion alg
- [Feature] [graph data] add geometry as attribute option to update segment attribute algorithm
- [Feature] Add graph select dialog, which can be used in sub-plugins
- [Feature] Add qgis hd segment style files in qgis directory
- [Improvement] [manager] Activate graph version moved to task menu button
- [Improvement] [manager] Delete graph version moved to task menu button
- [Improvement] [graph_data] Friendly error message if input file is missing at graph import
- [Improvement] [graph_data] Faster AddSegmentGeometry algorithm as batches are created instead of single requests
- [Improvement] [graph data] do not log missing geometry at add segment geometry alg in order to reduce logging
- [Improvement] [graph data] modify updateSegmentAttribute alg to non-feature-based alg
- [Improvement] [graph data] create JSON lists for access attr in download graph version alg
- [Improvement] [utility] Correctly calculate track duration in gpx2json algorithm
- [Improvement] [utility] Add track point id to JSON output of PointsToTrajectory algorithm
- [Improvement] [utility] check if timestamp and geometry are available in PointsToTrajectory alg
- [Improvement] [utility] only add z if 3d in PointsToTrajectory algorithm
- [Improvement] [utility] set gpx2json in map-matcher alg als child algorithm
- [Improvement] [gip2graphium] Do not add frc and access arguments if all options are selected
- [Improvement] [connection] Mention create or edit action in dialog header
- [Improvement] [http-rest-api] Optionally do not write url to feedback
- [Improvement] [http-rest-api] add timeout parameter to get requests
- [Fixed] Do not use fileFilter at initializing QgsProcessingParameterFile temporarily
- [Fixed] [http rest api] Only use setTransferTimeout for request if function is available
- [Deprecated] Setting hd_enabled deprecated**