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Migration from gradle_nexus_staging plugin nexus_publish plugin duo

Marcin Zajączkowski edited this page Feb 21, 2021 · 9 revisions


This page was intended to help migrate from the gradle-nexus-staging-plugin + nexus-publish-plugin duo to publish-plugin.


plugins {
    id "" version "0.22.0"
    id "" version "0.4.0"

plugins {
    id "io.github.gradle-nexus.publish-plugin" version "<version>"

Configuration - simple case

nexusStaging {
    packageGroup = "com.example.mycompany.myproject"
    stagingProfileId = "yourStagingProfileId"

nexusPublishing {
    repositories {

nexusPublishing {
    packageGroup = "com.example.mycompany.myproject"  //defaults to ''
    repositories {
        sonatype {   //custom repository name - 'sonatype' is pre-configured
                     //for Sonatype Nexus (OSSRH) which is used for The Central Repository
            stagingProfileId = "yourStagingProfileId" //can reduce execution time by even 10 seconds

Configuration - more customizations

//majority of the properties is optional, you might just don't have them in your project
nexusStaging {
    packageGroup = "com.example.mycompany.myproject"
    stagingProfileId = "yourStagingProfileId"

    //by default project properties 'nexusUsername' and 'nexusPassword' are used
    username = project.findProperty("...")   
    password = project.findProperty("...")
    numberOfRetries = 40
    delayBetweenRetriesInMillis = 3000

nexusPublishing {
    repositories {
        sonatype {
            //by default value from above 'nexusStaging' closure is used (alternative project properties 'sonatypeUsername' and 'sonatypePassword')
            username = project.findProperty("...")  
            password = project.findProperty("...")

    clientTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(300)
    connectTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(60)


nexusPublishing {
    packageGroup = "com.example.mycompany.myproject"  //defaults to ''

    repositories {
        sonatype {   //or custom repository name
            stagingProfileId = "yourStagingProfileId" //can reduce execution time by even 10 seconds

            //defaults to project properties 'sonatypeUsername' and 'sonatypePassword', where 'sonatype' is name of configured repository
            username = project.findProperty("...")  
            password = project.findProperty("...")

    clientTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(300)
    connectTimeout = Duration.ofSeconds(60)

    transitionCheckOptions {

Tasks - simple case

./gradlew publish closeAndReleaseRepository

./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseStagingRepository

(or closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository if preferred for consistency)