- nvm use
- npm i
- npm start
- push to master
- clone this directory - https://stash.9msn.net/projects/CS/repos/studios-deployment/browse (not into your project!)
- edit deploy-config folder
- find the latest site that has gone live
- copy folder and rename to the name of your new project (this will match PROJECT_NAME in CI parameters)
- git add / commit / push
- go to latest project we have made
- edit project settings
- actions - copy
- change name to Studios - "name"
- save
- go to parameters on left
- change appropriate
- go to build home
- click preprod (DONT RUN YET!)
- go to parameters
- change deploy_strat to 'deploy:bluegreen' (no quotes)
- run build
- run staging and preprod
- once successfully complete rename preprod deploy_strat to deploy:newUniqueEnvironment
- promote prod
- delete old prod (optional)
- get preview link from beanstalk page
- contact dev ops about setting up DNS