npm package for smooth scrolling across browsers/mouses
npm i future-scroll
import FutureScroll, { Item } from "future-scroll";
const item = new Item({element});
ease : 0.1,
render : (element, currentPosition) => {
//currentPosition is number from 0 to 1
//use it to animate your element, e.g. transform scale of image
//use a mapping maths function to do this.
//e.g. const map = (x, a, b, c, d) => ((x - a) * (d - c)) / (b - a) + c;
const fs = new FutureScroll({
article : document.querySelector(article),
scrollable : document.querySelector(element),
items : [item, ...]
const anotherItem = new Item({element});
ease : 0.1,
render : (element, currentPosition) => {