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An OCaml Matrix Library

Purely symbolic matrix manipulation suite comprised of 50 operators for matrix (OCaml array) creation, manipulation and calculation—mostly translations of Array library functions with some interesting additions. Will likely continue to grow as it's used.


In general, the leftmost character of an operator signals the associativity (prefix/infix) or left argument to the operator. The middle character denotes the operation being carried out, and the rightmost character signals the righthand argument for infix operators.

   ~      prefix - if first character of operator is ~ then there is only 1 argument, postfixed (~? abc) 
   !      prefix - same as ~ but for matrix operations (!? mat)
   ^      vector - the argument on that side is a vector (vec ^?? ... or ... ??^ vec)
   @      matrix - same as ^ but for matrices (... ??@ mat or mat @?? ...)
   |      scalar - same as ^,@, used when a scalar is required as an argument (ex. mat @^| 3 or 2 |*| 1.0)
   .      mutable operator - whenever . appears, there is mutability at play 

  ~?>     print operator for matrix/vector (ex. ~@> mat, ~^> vec)


It appears incomprehensible at first but you may find that there's some method to the madness.

module type Matlib = sig

  type elt
  type vector = elt array
  type matrix = vector array

  val ( ~|+  ) : 'a list -> 'a array                      (* transform list to array *)
  val ( ~|-  ) : 'a array -> 'a list                      (* transform array to list *)
  val ( ~|++ ) : elt list list -> matrix                  (* transform list list to matrix *)
  val ( ~|-- ) : matrix -> elt list list                  (* transform matrix to list list *)

  val ( ~|^  ) : vector -> vector                         (* get copy a vector *)
  val ( ~|@  ) : matrix -> matrix                         (* get copy a matrix *)

  val ( ~^>  ) : vector -> unit                           (* print vector *)
  val ( ~@>  ) : matrix -> unit                           (* print matrix *)

  val ( ~|   ) : 'a array -> int                          (* get length of v, or #rows of m *)
  val ( ~||  ) : matrix -> int * int                      (* get (r,c) size of matrix *)
  val ( ~|=|?) : matrix -> bool                           (* square matrix test *)

  val ( ^..  ) : vector -> int * elt -> unit              (* mutable: modify index in vector *)
  val ( ^... ) : vector -> (int * elt) list -> unit       (* mutable: modify many vector els *)
  val ( @..  ) : matrix -> int * int * elt -> unit        (* mutable: modify index in matrix *)
  val ( @... ) : matrix -> (int*int*elt) list -> unit     (* mutable: modify many els in mat *)

  val ( |*|  ) : int -> 'a -> 'a array                    (* create vector *)
  val ( |**| ) : int * int -> elt -> matrix               (* create matrix *)
  val ( ~|**|) : int -> matrix                            (* create identity matrix of size *)

  val ( ^-|  ) : 'a array -> int -> 'a array              (* remove el from v, or row from m *)
  val ( ^--| ) : 'a array -> int -> 'a array              (* remove n head elements *)
  val ( @-|  ) : matrix -> int -> matrix                  (* remove col from matrix *)
  val ( @--| ) : matrix -> int * int -> matrix            (* remove row,col from matrix *)
  val ( @><| ) : matrix -> int * int -> matrix            (* swap rows in matrix *)
  val ( @>.<|) : matrix -> int * int -> unit              (* mutable: swap rows in matrix *)

  val ( ^::^ ) : vector -> vector -> vector               (* horizontally join vectors *)
  val ( ^::@ ) : vector -> matrix -> matrix               (* add row to top of matrix *)
  val ( >::@ ) : vector -> matrix -> matrix               (* add column to front of matrix *)
  val ( @::^ ) : matrix -> vector -> matrix               (* add row to bottom of matrix *)
  val ( @::< ) : matrix -> vector -> matrix               (* add column to right of matrix *)
  val ( @::@ ) : matrix -> matrix -> matrix               (* horizontally join matrices *)
  val ( |*^  ) : elt -> vector -> vector                  (* scale vector *)
  val ( |*@  ) : elt -> matrix -> matrix                  (* scale matrix *)  
  val ( ^*^  ) : vector -> vector -> elt                  (* v * v *)
  val ( ^+^  ) : vector -> vector -> vector               (* v + v *)
  val ( ^-^  ) : vector -> vector -> vector               (* v - v *)
  val ( ^=^  ) : vector -> vector -> bool                 (* vector equality *)
  val ( @*^  ) : matrix -> vector -> vector               (* m * v *)
  val ( @*@  ) : matrix -> matrix -> matrix               (* m * m *)
  val ( @+@  ) : matrix -> matrix -> matrix               (* m - m *)
  val ( @-@  ) : matrix -> matrix -> matrix               (* m - m *)
  val ( @/@  ) : matrix -> matrix -> matrix               (* (m^-1) * m *)
  val ( @=@  ) : matrix -> matrix -> bool                 (* matrix equality *)
  val ( @^|  ) : matrix -> int -> matrix                  (* matrix exponent *)

  val ( !|   ) : matrix -> elt                            (* determinant *)
  val ( !^   ) : matrix -> elt                            (* trace *) 
  val ( !~   ) : matrix -> matrix                         (* transpose *)
  val ( !??  ) : matrix -> bool                           (* intertability test *)
  val ( !?   ) : matrix -> matrix                         (* invert matrix *)
  val ( !@   ) : matrix -> matrix                         (* transform m to row echelon form *)
  val ( !@@  ) : matrix -> matrix                         (* reduced row echelon form *)


The first 30 operators deal with creation and manipulation of matrices. The last 20 are arithmetic operators.

Note that vectors are handled irrespective of orientation—there is no difference between a vector of size [n x 1] and one sized [1 x n]. In calculations it is assumed that a vector has the orientation required for the operation. As such, there is no transpose function for vectors.



ACamlMatLib allows for polymorphic computations by utilizing a functor requiring the MatLibSettings module be passed into the matrix library upon creation.

See for details.


A symbolic matrix library






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