A small piece of JS code which does simple table pagination.
Unlike most of the other solutions which require a lot of CSS files and images, this project aims to provide an alternative by just doing all the table pagination in one JS file without using any image. Users just need to put in one JS file in their project to have a simple table pagination setup for them.
In this section, we will show how OneSimpleTablePaging is applied to an existing HTML table which has id "main-table".
To keep it simple, OneSimpleTablePaging only has two things for the users to configure.
- Simplest case:
- $('#main-table').oneSimpleTablePagination({});
- Set the number of rows per page, for example 20 rows per page:
- $('#main-table').oneSimpleTablePagination({rowsPerPage: 20});
- Set the position of the pagination bar (can be either on top or bottom of the table):
- $('#main-table').oneSimpleTablePagination({topNav: true});
- The code above will have the pagination bar positioned on top of the table.
- Make the header of the table floating (aka sticky thead):
- $('#main-table').oneSimpleTablePagination({floatingHeader: true});
- The code above will have the header of table floating when scrolling page up and down.
By default, rowsPerPage is 10 and topNav is false.
- jQuery Version 1.7.1 or above
- Click here to enjoy the demo with Inori Aizawa: https://db.tt/6DUQxQzv
The code in this project is based on Ryan Zielke's tablePagination (http://neoalchemy.org/tablePagination.html) which is licensed under the MIT licenses: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php. Button designs are based on Google+ Buttons in CSS design from Pixify (http://pixify.com/blog/use-google-plus-to-improve-your-ui/).
The floating concept is copied from http://stackoverflow.com/a/4709775/1177328 and http://codepen.io/jgx/pen/wiIGc.
You can read more about this project at my blog: http://cuteprogramming.wordpress.com/2012/04/07/259/