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Github contributions

Keep track of your Github contributions!


The following public Github contributions are tracked:

  1. Pull requests to repositories

Data access

The contributions are made publicly available.

Data freshness

The data is updated every Thursday at noon UTC time.

Track your Github contributions

Add your Github handle and organization to the authors variable in the dbt_project.yml to track your Github contributions.

Contributions are only tracked when a Github user opted-in. Git and Github is used for auditing.

A Github user is added through a pull request. The Github user:

  • Supplies the Github handle and organization her- or himself through a PR
  • OR approves the pull request that adds its Github handle and organization.

STOP tracking your Github contributions

Remove your Github handle and organization from the authors variable in the dbt_project.yml to stop tracking your Github contributions.

Github users can decide to stop tracking their contributions at any time. Git and Github is used for auditing.

A Github user is removed through a pull request. The Github user:

  • Removes the Github handle and organization her- or himself through a PR
  • OR approves the pull request that removes its Github handle and organization.

Data retention

Data is retained for a maximum of 30 days. If you remove your Github handle, the data gathered until then remains available for a maximum of 30 days.